Survey of which political party thinks society should "prioritize marriage and having children"
Wanna see yet another early-warning sign of a doomed society?
Eh, you probably don't, cuz a) it'll make a lot of you unhappy, cuz b) it's a trend highly unlikely to be reversed in time to save our nation. It's a new Pew poll on which party says society should prioritize marriage and having children.
The most obvious thing you notice is the huge difference in the percentage of Trump supporters vs. biden supporters who say they "prioritize" marriage and kids. Just 16 percent of women and 22% of men who support biden say they prioritize marriage and children.
By huge contrast, among Trump supporters 63% of men and 54% of women say the same.
Seems most liberal/Democrat women aren't enthusiastic about marriage and children--and is anyone surprised? After all, the dominant Narrative of the Democrat party is that marriage and children are "tools of the oppressor," "supporting the Patriarchy," eh? Most hard-core Democrats--apparently of both sexes--seem to believe the classic "nuclear family" is just awful!
Next look at the percentage among college graduates vs. those who didn't graduate: According to this poll college grads are become LESS likely to say society should prioritize marriage and children. The result above isn't broken down by sex, but I'm looking for the original survey. My guess is that the percent of college-grad women will be significantly lower than the 17% shown, and that men will be higher by the same percentage. Cuz colleges are telling women "marriage is a tool of the oppressor."
The lower percentage of college grads agreeing with the poll question suggests that colleges are (as we already knew) an indoctrination camp in which women become even less eager to marry and have kids.
So what do ya think this means for the future?
Democrat: "Dis guud, cuz we needs ta save duh Erf from Climate Change! Cuz we Americans iz causing most of it cuz we use more of that awful oil and gas per person than people in other countries. We don't need to use oil and gas! And if the rest of the world keeps on using it, that's their problem! We must lead by example, even if our economy suffers--which it won't, of course, cuz we'll have all the energy we need from solar panels and those faaaabulous windmills! Yep yep yep!"
Conservative: "Really? You think if we go to electric vehicles while China continues to open two new coal-fired powerplants a WEEK, global CO2 will go DOWN? Wow."
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