June 15, 2024

DOJ sez "Crime is at the lowest level in 22 years"

In Sunnyvale, California 20 "youths of unknown ethnic origin," all but two dressed all in black, with black hoodies and masks, used hammers to break through two sets of glass doors to enter a jewelry store.

All were carrying hammers.  They quickly smashed every display case and scooped up all the jewelry.

The suspects then led cops on a car chase, with some of the thugs throwing stolen jewelry out of their vehicle while fleeing.

Police arrested five of the thugs after they attempted to flee by running across Highway 101.

They were booked into Santa Clara County Jail on charges of armed robbery, felony vehicle evasion, resisting arrest and vandalism.  Then following a grueling two hours in custody their attorneys demanded they be released.

Several of the theives are said to be considering suing the county for endangering them by forcing them to run across a busy highway.

Following state policy the county would not release the names of those arrested nor their mugshots, as this is said to traumatize young thugs.

Meanwhile Merrick Garland held a press conference claiming crime was lower than at any time in the last 22 years.









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