A brief review of how "51 former intelligence agents" brazenly lied to help biden
In December of 2019 the FBI seized Hunty biden's abandoned laptop from the computer repair shop. By January of 2020 they knew laptop was authentic--i.e. NOT "Russian disinformation."
The FBI is an agency of the "Department of Justice," ruled by the communist piece of shit Merrick Garland, so Garland and the DOJ *had to have known* the same truth that the FBI knew.
Now: by law (hahahahahaha! I know, right?) the CIA isn't allowed to run operations inside the U.S. By law, domestic operations are the responsibility of the FBI. As a result, the FBI and CIA exchange information constantly. So since Garland clearly knew the FBI had Hunty's laptop, AND that they'd determined that it was authentic, NOT informing the CIA would have been a huge breach of policy.
So now the CIA also knows. What are the chances the assholes running that agency didn't tell John Brennan--named by Obozo to head the CIA from March 2013 until Trump?
Similarly, what are the chances that the CIA or Garland himself did NOT tell James Clapper, who was named by Obama as Director of National Intelligence, until Trump?
Now: James Clapper and John Brennan both claimed the laptop "had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation." And yet both clearly knew the laptop was authentic--meaning every email on it was genuine, since Hunty never expected to lose track of the damn thing.
Think about that for a minute. Especially if you're a Democrat who voted for biden and hates Trump.
These two Obozo appointees knew the damn thing was authentic, but instead they fed you bullshit to make you think it wasn't. Why?
One reason only: to help biden win in 2020, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.
Both Clapper and Brennan are totally dirty. Traitors. They need to be put on trial, and if found guilty, executed.
Oh wait...I hear Democrats bleating that this is an over-reaction.
Okay, consider this: If the parties were reversed, and two dirty Trump appointees had lied to your face to protect Trump from emails on a damning laptop abandoned by one of his sons--to ensure he was re-elected over a Democrat opponent--would you smile and say "Dat jus' fine, comrade"?
Of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder, and you know it. But when your party does the same thing, it doesn't bother you a bit. In fact most of you seem quite smug that your party pulled off the seemingly impossible lie.
The emails on the authenticated laptop reveal the total corruption of the biden regime--that Hunty was the bagman collecting bribes for dad. Selling influence. The evidence is crystal clear and damning. Scores of House investigations have laid it all out. And yet the Mainstream Media swept it under the rug. The info was revealed--if you'd cared to look--but you didn't care...cuz you didn't want to believe "your" preznit was totally corrupt (and has been for decades).
So what did you get by voting for the most corrupt president in history, eh?
#1: You and your kids were ORDERED to take an experimental injection they falsely claimed would prevent you from getting duh Chyna virus. But the heads of the FDA and CDC knew it didn't prevent infection or transmission. And they also knew it killed a small percentage of those who took it.
Yet biden ordered you and your kids to take it anyway. Essentially no opt-out. Your kids were ordered to take it if you wanted them to go to school. Yet they KNEW kids under 20 were almost never harmed by the Chyna virus.
They KNEW...and yet biden (or his handlers; no difference to you) did it anyway. Why would they do that if they KNEW it didn't help, eh?
What else did you get from your vote? #2: Oh yeah: open borders! Eleven MILLION illegal aliens welcomed into the country by the biden regime. How many thousands of innocent Americans have been killed by illegals, eh?
Hahahahaha! You don't know and don't care, cuz duh Media haz tol' ya open borders beez welcoming duh po' "refugees" jus' tryin' ta get to a safe country, eh? So if, say, 2,000 innocent Americans are killed every year by the few bad apples among duh po' "refugees", that's not a big price to pay fo' lettin' all dem po' "refugees" into duh U.S., eh?
Well, unless you're one of those killed. Or who had a child or parent killed by an illegal invader. Yeah, kind of a different calculus there, eh?
Of course trying to explain any of this to Democrats is like trying to teach your dog algebra.
Yeah, I went there. Y'all are so blinded by the pro-Democrat propaganda fed to ya by the Lying Mainstream Media that you utterly refuse to see any clear facts that show they're lying.
This kind of deliberate, willful ignorance--ignoring clear, authentic, unequivocal evidence right in front of you because the regime and the Mainstream Media have told you a Narrative to make you ignore it--is the stuff of Shakespeare plays.
I do feel sorry for some of you--those who would have opposed the Democrats if they'd known all the lies...but didn't because they never knew.
And I feel sorry for your kids, because they didn't vote for any of this--and in any case lack the experience to recognize the lies the Media and the "entertainment business" are shoveling at them every day.
But don't worry, Dem parents: As your kids die they won't realize you made their death inevitable. And in any case we'll all have a good laugh in heaven about how easily most Americans fell for the lies.
Hey, it's been a great run, eh?
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