May 22, 2024

Porridgebrain's handlers announce they'll sell a million gallons of gasoline in Northeast at the start of summer driving season

Duh Democrap party hates oil and gas, cuz dey beez causing dat Globull Worming, eh?  An' dat beez duh mostest awful threat to duh world, barely edging out "white supremacy" and "MAGA Republicans."  

Ah, but with an election in November, biden's handlers are looking for ways to win votes (or at least ways to appear to win votes).  So even though the Dems HATE oil and gas, some cunning lackey came up with a plan to con stupid voters into thinking biden and the Dems are lowering the price of gasoline!

SO...yesterday the biden regime announced that it will release a million barrels of gasoline from the nation’s reserve just at the start of the peak summer driving season, between Memorial Day and the 4th of July.

The U.S. Department of Energy said the majority of the gasoline (900,000 barrels) would come from a storage site in Port Reading, New Jersey, with a smaller amount (98,824 barrels) coming from a site in Maine.

Now the first thing to note is that this faaabulous plan will only "benefit" voters in the northeast.  But since that's where the Lying Media is, that's the area that gets all the "newz."

For voters who had no idea if this was a big deal, the regime trotted out biden's hand-picked Secretary of Energy--a total airhead named Jennifer M. Granholm who doesn't know fuck-all about energy.  She bleated--authoritatively, convincingly--that "our administration is laser-focused on lowering prices at the pump for American families,” with the release being timed to ensure that “sufficient supply flows to the tri-state and northeast at a time hardworking Americans need it the most.”

Ahhh, that Jenny beez super-smaht, eh?  

Uh...wait:  Jenny bleats that selling a million gallons of gas over five weeks will "lower prices at the pump for American families"?  "Ensure sufficient supply hardworking Americans"?

Jenny and biden's handlers know the average voter has no any idea how much gasoline the U.S. uses every day.  Cuz if you don't (spoiler: you don't), you think selling a million gallons of gasoline is a big damn deal, eh?  Cuz..."million."  Sure.  biden's handlers know not one American in 10,000 has any earthly idea--not a ghost of a clue--how much gasoline the U.S. uses every DAY.

Take your guess--out loud--then highlight the area to the right to find the answer:  Answer: nine million *barrels* per DAY.

Typical Democrat voter: "Great!  Dat mean ouah faaabulous prezzy gon' increase the gasoline supply by one part in nine, which is almost 11 percent!  Dat gon' drop duh price of gas a LOT, you dumb deplorables!  He smaht, you dumb."

Ah, well...there ya go, eh sparky? DID notice that the regime will be releasing a million gallons--not barrels--and not per day, but spread over five weeks.  But the U.S. uses nine million barrels every DAY, eh?

Democrat: "Whut?  Uh...whut's dis 'barrel' stuff?  Iz dat bigger or smaller den a gallon?"

Yeah, I thought that would be a problem.  A barrel is 42 gallons.  For the math-challenged that means the U.S. uses about 376 million gallons of gasoline every DAY.  And duh biden regime has magnificently announced plans to sell one million gallons over about 35 days.

How many gallons is that per day, eh?

If you're an average Dem voter you don't have any idea how to calculate that.  Turns out a million gallons over 35 days is just under 28,600 gallons per day.  (Feel free to check that.)

So what percentage increase is that in the total amount of gasoline the U.S. uses every day, eh?

It's a bit less than eight one-thousandths of one percent.  And yet the Associated (Communist/Democrat) Press bleats the "million gallons" announcement as if it were the Second Coming.  No percentage, no perspective.  Just "Duh biden gon' keep duh price of gas down, cuz he beez lookin' out fo' YOU, citizen!  Absolutely faaabulous."

Now, in fairness since the gasoline released in this fabulous announcement will only be available in the northeast (by coincidence, where most Media shills live), and that part of the U.S. only uses about 70 million gallons per DAY, this faaaabulous plan will increase supply by...what percentage?  Can any Democrat tell us?

Sure: four one-hundredths of ONE percent.

Armed with that number, do even diehard Democrats think that'll drop the price of gasoline at ALL?

Of course not.  No effect at all.  But the average voter has no way of knowing that.

But gets better: The northeast gasoline reserve was NOT created by law, but by the imperial DECREE of our first emperor, Barack the Magnificent.  Didn't consult congress, just decreed it.  Just the cost of staffing it was $19 million per store a million *gallons* of gasoline.

So that means it cost how much per gallon every year to operate the faaabulous storage facility?

That would be $19 per gallon per year.  Every year

Wait...back then didn't gasoline cost about $1.50 a gallon wholesale?

Why yes, it did.  So did this faaabulous Obozo decree make any economic sense?  No, not at all.  But just like the ideas of biden's handlers, it can be utterly dumb from an economic standpoint--as long as the Media slobbers over what a faaaabulous idea it is!  And since it was the emperor's decree, they did.

Obama ordered the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve created after Hurricane Sandy in 2014.  As noted above, operating the reserve cost 13 times more than the cost of the gasoline itself, every year.  So when congress passed the emergency "continuing resolution" two months ago (to avoid a government shutdown), it included a provision to close the Northeast reserve.

In summary: the Great Announcement won't lower the price of gas a bit.  But voters don't have the education and knowledge to know the regime well knows.

Source: Associated Press (via Yahoo)


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