May 20, 2024

Do societies that elect stupid people as rulers deserve to collapse?

Do societies that "elect" corrupt or dumb rulers deserve to collapse?

Serious question.  And not at all hypothetical.

If an enemy wanted to destroy the U.S, why start a costly war when you could use liberal Democrats to do it for ya at no cost?

Think I'm kidding?  Back in the 1970s people who were mentally ill and dangerous were "committed" to institutions.  And yes, some of those institutions were badly run.  But instead of fixing the badly-run institutions, Democrats wailed that it was "cruel" to institutionalize the mentally ill, and demanded that they all be released and allowed to live freely.  And the courts granted their demand.

At the same time, liberals wailed that pipo should be allowed to take any drug they wanted, without being prosecuted.  Cuz "my body, my choice," right?  And slowly but surely, cities and states stopped prosecuting drug crime.  

In Minneapolis the Democrat rulers have not only stopped prosecuting the use of illegal drugs,  they no longer prosecute selling illegal drugs.  Cuz drugs is guuud fo' duh kommunity, comrade!  All dis talk 'bout pipo stealin' to get money fo' dere addictions is jus' right-wing scare stories!   Yep yep yep!

Care to guess what the biggest non-wage expense is in most big-city police departments today?  Gasoline?  Ammunition?  Nah, it's Narcan--the antidote to opiate overdoses.  But dere iz *NO connection whatsoevah* between dis expense an' duh policies of "We guuud Democrats so we don' prosecute drug salez!"  Nope nope nope.

It's been so bad that for years now druggies have been stealing copper wire from street lights--and now from EV charging stations!-- because they can sell the copper to recyclers for a few dollars a pound, no questions asked.

So are ya ready for the next step in the downward "devolution" of America?  You can already guess:

Oakland, California is a shithole Democrat-run city.  Has been for 50 years or so.  The DA is a black female who refuses to prosecute blacks for minor crimes like stealing, mugging and selling drugs.  So as you could predict, those crimes are increasing, since duh DA won't prosecute.

So...duh druggies beez stealin' duh copper wires not just from duh street lights but also frum duh traffic signals.

Duh city could fix this any number of ways--such as by posting big signs on duh traffic light junction boxes saying "Duh wires in dis box beez aluminum, not copper.  So you can't make any money by stealing it!"

Except the communists would paint over those signs in two minutes, eh?

The brilliant Democrats who run Oakland tried putting big concrete blocks on the boxes, which lasted about two minutes.  So the Dems found a far, far bettah "solution:"

They've removed the traffic lights from an intersection next to a druggie camp and replaced them with 4-way stop signs.

Oh, ya think this is satire?  Babylon Bee stuff?  Obviously you ain't been in Oakland recently.

Neighbors said city workers removed the the traffic lights and replaced them with four-way stop signs after "people"--druggies--repeatedly stole the copper wiring.

Now you may think this is satire.  But it's from a CBS TV station in San Francisco.  Ah, but it's probably just a right-wing scare story, eh?

Thanks, Democrats.

Source: CBS


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