May 21, 2024

Over two HOURS of biden gaffes. Anyone think he'll be the Dem nominee?

Two HOURS and 23 minutes of  "your" """preznit's""" brain-farts. 

Adolf Hitler couldn't have taken over Germany without the votes of a majority of the German people.  Yet after WW2 ended in 1945 it was a standing joke among U.S. troops occupying that nation that you couldn't find a single German who would admit having voted for the guy.

I predict that a few years from now you'll see the same situation here:  Despite the Media claiming biden got 81 million votes in 2020 (ignoring the thousands of sworn affidavits of fraud), you'll only be able to find a handful of diehard Dems who will admit to having voted for him.  

The man's been a life-long politician, corrupt, has constantly lied about EVERYTHING.  He's a total embarrassment to the United States, on every level.  Of course diehard Democrats like James Carville, AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Bill Maher and others will still claim he's been the greatest president of modern times.  The Media will fawningly agree.  But voters who were duped into voting for him will be reluctant to admit it.


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