May 19, 2024

Every city shows more murders, but FBI stats (and biden regime) say crime is down

In their endless effort to bribe voters, Democrat politicians in most Democrat-ruled states--typically those where one big city dominates the state--have passed laws or rules that criminals must be released without bail.

Their Soros-funded DAs don't even bother to prosecute lots of "minor" crimes--people getting knocked out on the street, for example. And in the rare cases when the corrupt DA is forced to prosecute (due to the outrageous nature of a crime), a guilty verdict often doesn't mean prison, but instead "diversion" to some bullshit "counseling" program run by the mayor's brother-in-law.  

In essence they're setting criminals free to brutalize the law-abiding again and again.

And as you'd expect, crime in those cities is increasing.  But amazingly, the biden regime  and many news outlets, including USA Today and The Hill, claim crime is actually dropping.

And as if by magic, FBI statistics on violent crime show that contrary to what you see on TV and in the newspapers, violent crime is down.

Of course you have no way of knowing who's right, cuz duh only folks who keep duh stats are the FBI.  And surely...*surely*...the FBI would nevah lie about crime stats, right?

So how many Americans do ya think are murdered every year, eh?  You'd think that number would be fairly constant from year to year, since the number of evil freaks in the country would be pretty constant, and we know cops don't actually prevent crimes, for the understandable reason that they're almost always somewhere else when someone is attacked.

So...from 2017 to 2019 the U.S. averaged 16,641 homicides a year.  But for some reason in 2021 and 2022 the murder rate rose by a staggering 32%, averaging more than 22,000 per year.  That should be a huge alarm bell.  Or would have been, if you'd heard about it.

But of course you never heard a word about this, right?  Cuz...who was """prezzie""" beginning in Jan of 2021, eh?  Would you expect the Democrat-fellating Media to report such a HUGE increase in the murder rate under the faaaabulous biden regime?  Of course not.

Totals aren't yet in for 2023, but if the number of murders drops by, say, 5% it will still represent a large increase over the recent past, before biden and the Democrats took total control.

The question is, will the FBI--keeper of the crime stats--tell you the truth?   Experts say in the last three years crime stats have become notoriously unreliable.  Specifically, the FBI stats for several big Democrat cities and states show far fewer crimes than those states say they have.

The discrepancies between the two are huge, and the FBI figures are always lower than state numbers compiled by local TV stations.  Hmmm... Who benefits from lower crime stats, eh?

It's also been claimed that the FBI actually gave cities permission to delay reporting their crime stats.  Why?

The stock excuse goes back 36 years, to 1988, when the FBI "began"--with the glacial ponderousness we've come to expect--to move toward a complex new system of reporting crime: the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).  The bleat was that the new system would "provide more comprehensive detail and enable authorities to pinpoint high-crime areas, criminals, and victims more accurately," and blah blah blah.  Mumbo-jumbo, bullshit bullshit.

Liberals claim "the transition proved to be a herculean task."  "Really, citizen!  Yew caint jus' count up duh number of murdered pipo!  It beez SO much mo' compicated din dat!"

So the FBI allowed cities and states to "delay their full adherence to the program" even after the feds gave big Dem cities $120 million to "assist with compliance."  Wow, wonder where that money went, eh?

But even with the $120 million, for 2020, 2021 and 2022--up to 36 *years* after this faaaabulous new crime stat system was started, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles didn't provide their data to the fibbies.

There are lots of differences between the stats in large Dem cities and the FBI totals.  For example, the FBI reports that in 2022 Baltimore had 272 murders.  But city cops and local news tallies put the total for 2022 as between 332 and 336--meaning the FBI's numbers are 18% lower. 

So who's lying?  Baltimore police officials did not reply to inquiries about the difference in the reported numbers, and refused to say if anyone in the city's police department had brought the matter to the FBI's attention.  (For young Americans: if you anger the federal government you can't get as many federal tax millions for your city or state.)

If you're unclear that the fix is in, check out this statement from the Baltimore police department:  They admit their numbers "may not be the same as" the "official" numbers reported by the FBI, but then quickly state on their official website that "any comparisons are strictly prohibited."

Wait...strictly prohibited by whom?  That's absolutely outrageous.  You Nazis are bleating that citizens aren't allowed to compare the two figures??  Who the fuck do you think you are?  Go fuck yourselves, assholes.  What utter arrogance!

Similarly, police departments in Milwaukee and Nashville did not respond to questions about differences between their stats on robberies and the numbers reported in the "official" Fibby crime stats.  For example, in 2023 Milwaukee police reported a 7 percent INcrease in robberies, but the FBI reported a 13 percent drop.  Not even close.

An FBI spokesperson bleated, "Any errors are NOT our fault.  It's the responsibility of each state to submit accurate statistics and correct any errors they make  We're the FBI and we don't make mistakes."

Of course you don't, sparky.  No all-powerful, immune-from-prosecution government agency *ever* admits making mistakes.

If we had an honest media, it should be a simple matter to find the state copy of the report sent to the Fibbies, and see who's telling the truth.  But of course the Dem-fellating Media isn't interested.  The biden regime Narrative is that crime is dropping, so that's what the Media will report, truth be damned.

And of course it could be that politicians in Democrat-ruled states--which have freely chosen to release thugs without requiring bail, and not to prosecute--have told their police departments to understate the number of crimes, because they don't want to admit that setting criminals free to brutalize the law-abiding again and again is stupid.



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