April 12, 2024

Dem-fellating L.A. Times uses Trump's name in O.J. obituary, claims it's a "typo"

Yesterday the pro-Democrat L.A. Times ran a story about on the death of the notorious double-murderer O.J. Simpson, who nearly beheaded his wife and Ron Goldman in 1994 and got away with it.

But in describing Simpson's release from prison in 2017 for a different crime, the Times substituted "Trump" for "Simpson."  Here's the original from the Times:

"Long before the city woke up on a fall morning in 2017, Trump walked out of Lovelock Correctional Center outside Reno, a free man for the first time in nine years."

When readers noticed, the editor of the Times called this merely a "typographical error."

Horseshit.  A "typo" is when your finger hits the wrong letter on the keyboard.  This wasn't even remotely a typo, but the deliberate substitution of Trump's name for Simpson's.

Hahahahahaha!  What a hoot!  So, Media liars, how did this obvious horseshit get past the "layers and layers of fact-checkers" you claim to have, eh? 

Times editor:  "Uh...um...well see, it was a rare 'quintuple typo,' in which our writer--trying to spell 'Simpson,' accidentally hit five wrong keys in a row, and then the space bar instead of the last letter.  See, on a standard keyboard the letters S and T are right next to each other, so that's a common typo.  Same with I and R--only four keys apart.  See?  Same with the M and U: one is almost directly above the other!  Only two rows away!  So...see?"

Hahahahaha!  So  the "rare quintuple typo" strikes again, eh?  

Nah, only your dumb Democrat readers will believe that utter horseshit.  Your "reporter" and editors did that deliberately, to get readers to view Trump--facing trial--as equivalent to O.J., who was guilty as hell but acquitted by black jurors who *knew* he was guilty but were determined to send a big F-you to whites.

Back when bloggers were starting to show the Mainstream Media for the constant liars they are, the Media constantly sneered that solo bloggers made tons of errors, but the vaunted Media had "layers and layers of fact-checkers" to ensure they didn't make mistakes.  "Layers and layers," eh?



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