April 11, 2024

LGBTFM organizers of a dance competition refuse to let a team compete wearing...

This country stopped being America and free three years ago.  You just didn't notice.  Need yet another example?

In the leftist shithole of Seattle an LGBTQ+ organization held an annual dance competition. One of the competing teams wore uniforms with a stars-and-stripes theme.

Before the team competed, the LGBFM organizers told them they couldn't wear their uniforms because "they made some attendees feel triggered and unsafe."

As you probably guessed, the complainers were Hamas and transgender supporters.

"At first we were told we would just be booed, yelled at and likely many of the audience would walk out," said the team leader. "This didn't deter us, so then they said we couldn't perform unless we wore street clothes."

Don't know about y'all but I've had quite enough of Hamas supporters and trannies.

Democrats: "Dis not real!  Dis FAKE NEWZ!  Nevah happen!  Beez scare story frum duh violent right-wing extremists!"

Really?  Here's the source.  If you think the source is lying, contact the group, the Borderline Dance Team, on fakebook.

Oh wait, I know:  "They're ALL lying," right?  The only source you trust is Hunty biden's attorney, Dem fixer Abbe Lowell.  Or maybe Cackles, or Hilliary or Adam Schiff or Chuckie Schumer or Nancy Pelosi or Porridgebrain hisself.  Yep yep yep.



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