April 11, 2024

What happens when obvious oppressors continue to go unpunished?

History is full of stories of oppressed people rising and overcoming the tyrants who have horribly abused them.

Sometimes those stories end with the tyrants  peacefully agreeing to make changes, but other times it's ended at the guillotine.

Romania's despotic communist leader, Nicolae Ceausescu, had his brains relocated to a brick wall after Romanians had enough of his tyranny.

At the end of WW2 Italy's Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, whose decision to ally with Hitler cost tens of thousands of Italian lives, was shot and hanged upside-down.

Top Nazi leaders were hanged.

[The author adds here that he is neither urging nor condoning violence, but that history shows that when dictators--including ones who kill you by decreeing that you and your kids must allow the regime to inject you with an untested, ineffective "vaccine"--aren't punished for their oppression, the oppressed often take matters into their own hands.]

When the regime throws grandmothers in prison for a year for peacefully walking into what was once called "the peoples' house" for ten minutes, while Antifa and BLM were allowed to burn cities without any charges, something's radically wrong.

When the FBI and other governmental agencies pressured social media companies to delete posts that challenged the regime's decree that COVID vaccines and masks were "safe and effective"--and no one in the FBI was fired for doing that (meaning they were told to by the regime), again...something's radically wrong.

When the FBI broke U.S. law by "improperly" eavesdropping on Americans without a warrantless--a staggering 278,000 times--and the corrupt head of the FBI (Christopher Wray) dismissed these abominations as just "errors," and no one was fired, let alone arrested--again, something's horribly wrong.

When we have copies of bank wire transfers from China to Hunty biden's shell companies in the amount of at least $40 million, with not even attempting to provide a legitimate service for those massive bribes, yet no one is charged, something's horribly wrong.

When the woman who found Ashley Biden's abandoned diary, where Ashley admits to taking "inappropriate" showers with Joe Biden when she was a kid, was sent away to prison for a month, no one even noticed.  Just one month, after all, eh?  But people do notice the message, which is: Don't reveal anything that hurts the regime, or you'll be punished.

When New York's then-governor Andrew Cuomo--a man the media loved so much that they gave him his own hour-long show every weekday opposite Trump's daily covid press conference--ORDERED nursing homes to admit people with the Chyna virus--essentially causing the deaths of 15,000 elderly residents of those homes who otherwise wouldn't have been infected, that fact was carefully buried for over six months.  biden's DOJ decided not to punish him, or anyone involved.

Something horribly wrong.  Democrats are never punished for anything.

Most Americans saw the enraging surveillance video of a dozen illegal immigrants beating two NYPD cops, yet not spending a night in jail.

Even worse, some of our nation's big blue toilet cities have actually paid Antifa and BLM rioters *ten thousand dollars apiece* after cunning attorneys claimed "excessive police force" as the darlings were burning buildings and fighting cops.

When the unarmed Ashli Babbitt was shot to death by a black Capitol Police officer on January 6, and when Rosanne Boyland was beaten to death by a female capitol cop, neither killer was charged, and neither family has received compensation for "excessive police force"--and won't, as long as the Democrats are in charge.

And if our new system of "two different sets of laws" doesn't outrage you, millions of struggling Americans are see millions of illegal immigrants getting paid generous benefits every month to replace them.

Have you seen the demonic video of Morelo screaming at his 150,000 YouTube followers that the law allows them to take over any vacant house they find?  You should.  The fact that he's still in the U.S after illegal entry and then bragging about never having to work because of the free stuff the regime gives him and his fellows is a clear indication that something's horribly wrong.

How much longer will Americans quietly accept things like this?  How bad do things have to get before voters decide they've had enough of the biden/Cackles regime and vote them out?

Apparently we're not there yet, as many polls show the race tied--if you believe the polls.

History shows that humans can only be pushed so far, and if the wrongdoers aren't punished, people have often gotten revenge.

Let us hope the tyrants who locked us down, brought us record crime and invited the invasion of America by unvetted illegals are voted out, and that a fair justice system mete out proper punishment.

Having said that, even if the Democrats lose in November, they control enough DAs and courts that no Democrat will even be charged, let alone brought to trial.

Special Counsel Robert Hur stumbled on the perfect defense in saying biden's memory was so bad that he couldn't be tried for a crime.  Fauci will jump on that one too as will every other Democrat.

We have hard evidence--the head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology thanking Fauci's NIAID for a research grant for genetically modifying a coronavirus--published in 2015, with the U.S. grant number!

Yet when Rand Paul asked Fauci if his agency had ever supported "gain of function research" at that lab, Fauci denied it.  That is, Fauci lied to congress.

Will Fauci ever face a jury for that?  Will Joe Biden face charges for selling access to the Chinese and Russians?

No, because we have two sets of laws now.  Powerful Democrats are never charged, and any low-level employee who threatens to provide evidence of wrongdoing to congress is threatened with firing.  

And through it all, every Mainstream Media outlet lies and covers for the Democrats.  Rachel Maddow makes Hitler's minister of propaganda look honest.

Source  (adapted from Kevin Downey Jr. at PJ Media)



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