April 10, 2024

A tale of repeat violent offenders who--surprisingly!--commit more violent crime

In November of 2022 the creature below kidnapped and raped two 17-year-old girls, then murdered a woman while on the run.

From surveillance footage inside the store where the man kidnapped the girls, police identified the suspect as Butler--someone they knew very well: He had five felony convictions in the county.

After raping the girls Butler fled to Atlanta where he is a suspect in an armed home invasion, shooting, robbery and other crimes.  He was then tracked to St. Clair County where he is accused of murdering a woman there.

Butler pleaded guilty to kidnapping and raping the two girls.  Prosecutors have recommended two life terms.

Seems to me the murdered woman's life, and the rape of the two girls could have been avoided if, after about three felony convictions they'd put this clearly warped SOB away for 20 years.  But of course the "law" doesn't permit that.  

But in California, in 1994, citizens tried.

In 1994 California voters were furious that felons who'd been convicted of several violent crimes were released after short sentences, then often murdered people soon after being released.  So they drafted a "ballot initiative" that would change the law so that if a perp was convicted of three "violent of serious" felonies, that 3rd conviction would result in a sentence of 25 years to life.

In 1992 18-year-old Kimber Reynolds was leaving a restaurant when two thugs--both repeat offenders with several convictions--tried to steal her purse.  Even though the thugs were far bigger and stronger, one nevertheless decided to shoot the defenseless girl.  

Is there ANY rational logic for that murder?  Nope, just evil, greedy sons of bitches killing innocent young girls for the hell of it.  

Starting to get the picture yet?  Nah, if you're a Democrat you probably aren't

The girl's father--outraged that the two repeat felons (multiple convictions) were out and murdered his innocent daughter while stealing her damn purse--proposed Proposition 184--the "three strikes law."

California residents--absolutely sick that violent thugs were quickly released and promptly murdered innocent people, passed Proposition 184 by a margin of 72-28.  And for awhile things got better.

But right away Lefists and defense attorneys began organizing to repeal the new law.  Their main argument was "Dis law haz a 'disparate impact' on pipo of color!  So it not fair!"  See, the fact that more "people of color" commit crime should NOT result in mo' of 'em being in prison.  Perfect leftist logic.

So the Left started a ground game to get pipo who didn't normally vote to vote to protect killers and repeat felons.

It took 'em 20 years but it worked.  In 2014 the Left got "Prop 47" on the ballot, making stealing up to $950 only a misdemeanor and gutting Three Strikes.  Forgery of a check not more than $950 is now a misdemeanor, as is receiving stolen property.

Best of all:  All thugs convicted of any of these crimes and jailed before Prop47 passed could now "petition for re-sentencing" and be released immediately.  For crooks, thieves, muggers, drug dealers it was like winning the lottery.

So now Cali is right back to the old system: repeat violent felons can kill someone, get out in five (Thanks, George Gascon!)--and promptly kill again--same as before.

Of course you don't believe that because it's too "on the nose" in describing what we're seeing all over the country today.  Mus' be some sorta' right-wing scare story, eh?

Except it's absolutely real.  Let me show you how the Leftists do it.  Here's the webpage of a Leftist org calling itself by the clearly non-threatening name "California Calls:"

From Three-Strikes to Prison Reform: Organizing Wins

Two decades after 72% of Californians voted to pass the Three-Strikes initiative (Prop 184), California voters passed Prop 47 by 58-42, reducing six non-violent, low level crimes to misdemeanors, and redirecting hundreds of millions of dollars annually from prisons to prevention programs, education and victim services.

The clever propagandists describe Prop 47 as "a sweeping criminal justice reform that will stem the build-up of California’s overcrowded and broken prison system, and begin to repair the damage to thousands of families torn apart by repressive sentencing laws."
   Awww, duh snowflakes are whining that violent thugs were gettin' put away for 25 years!  Yes, that's what voters wanted in 1994.  But Leftists literally don't care about crime, and are okay with criminals being released to commit more murders.  That helps the Left achieve their goal, which is revolution.  
   So dey whine that the state's prison system is "broken."  And hey, good Americans always wanna fix "broken" things, right?
   Oh, and they say prisons are overcrowded.  Okay, build more prisons.  Oh wait, they already say they reject that, demanding we "stem the build-up" of the prison system.  You bet.  Better that we let violent thugs kill a few hundred more people a year.  Yep yep yep.

Before the vote on Prop 47, "California Calls Action Fund" funded a big campaign to increase voter turnout for the vote, contacting over 300,000 new and infrequent voters.
   California Calls has been laying the foundation for this victory for years, organizing to expand the electorate by reaching young people, new citizens, and people of color.  We've contacted 800,000 new or infrequent voters and have increased voter turnout at the polls by 15%.
   And our organizing is paying off.  When Three Strikes passed in 1994, only 22% of California’s electorate was African-American, Latino and Asian Pacific voters.  But today people of color are 37% of the electorate in California. [that was in 2014; any idea today?]
   Thanks to our organizing, nearly 50,000 people in California will be given a second chance to rebuild their lives after making a small mistake.  ["small"?]  
   Our member organizations "Oakland Rising" and "San Francisco Rising" mobilized voter turnout which contributed to the success to increase the minimum wage in Oakland and San Francisco.

Calling your organization "[city or group] Rising" is a classic communist tactic.

When we organize, we win.  As the electorate continues to expand, we'll see demand for more policies that work for all Californians.

Well, not quite so well for victims of murders, eh?  But the new prop works very well for the Left.

We want to restore democracy.

Ah, by keeping Trump and all third-party candidates off the ballot?  That kind of "democracy"?

California is on the right path, but there is more work to be done to continue winning bold victories that transform the conditions of our communities.

"...to continue winning bold victories that transform the conditions of our communities," y'say?  This was from 2016.  A few years later, with the help of two million bucks from Satan's helper George Soros, Leftists in San Francisco elected Chesa Boudin--son of two Leftist revolutionaries--as DA.
  Chesa ran on a platform of refusing to prosecute pipo for injecting drugs on the sidewalk, or for using sidewalks for a toilet.  Cuz in the Left's view those things are just fine for a modern, world-class city, right?
   And of course no one could possibly have predicted the result of those new policies, eh?
   Well apparently lots of San Francisco voters couldn't:  A million used syringes a year discarded in gutters.  Human waste on the sidewalks next to all the tents.

Leftist magic!  The wave of the future!


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