January 23, 2024

Supreme Court rules 5-4 that biden border patrol may continue cutting the razor wire Texas troops have placed to defend U.S. border

For those who've been off-planet for three years, here's a recap: The Porridgebrain/mayorkas/garland/harris regime has thrown our borders wide open, inviting everyone around the world to enter the U.S., where they're immediately given a cell phone, thousands of dollars and a plane ticket to any city in the U.S.

Most Americans are sick of the $450 BILLION annual cost, not to mention the drugs and the deaths of Americans caused by illegals driving drunk.  So finally a month ago the governor of Texas ordered Texas state troopers to start laying razor wire along the U.S. bank of the Rio Grande at the most popular crossing spot.

The biden regime responded, first by ordering his border patrol to use *forklifts* to LIFT the fucking razor wire so duh invaders could simply walk under it.  And now the regime has ordered border patrol to CUT the wire.

Whereupon Texas sued the biden regime, arguing that since biden has consistently violated valid U.S. immigration law, Texas had the right to defend its own border.  If Arizona and New Mexico want to obey the regime like good sheep, letting the illegals waltz in thru their states, fine.

Last month a federal appeals court ordered federal agents to stop cutting the wire placed by Texas. Ooooh, can't have that, eh?  So the biden/garland/mayorkas regime immediately appealed to the f'n U.S. Supreme Court, wailing that the wire "impedes Border Patrol agents from reaching migrants as they cross the river," and that the federal government has SOLE AUTHORITY to enforce immigration law (or not to enforce, in this case).  So Texas can't be allowed to defend its borders from the tsunami of illegals biden is inviting into the U.S. every day--a record 302,000 in December alone.

Again, the court voted 5-4 to side with the biden regime--and its ORDER didn't include a single word of legal reasoning.  Think there may be a reason for that?

Up to speed now?  Hopefully all of you knew all of that, right?  No?  Oh well...

With the appeal by the regime, five moronic (three corrupt) judges on the damn U.S. Supreme Court just ruled (5-4) against the right of Texas to defend its borders against the invaders when the " " "preznit" " " has not only refused to do so, but has actually ordered his lackeys to cut the wire Texas placed to defend its own borders.

A decade ago this would have been unbelievable.  Now?  With so much corruption and lawlessness by the regime every day, American citizens barely even notice.

The SC now has four females on the court.  All four sided with the biden regime, effectively ruling that states do not have the right to defend their borders from foreign invaders when the regime refuses to do so:  moronic biden appointee Ketanji Brown Jackson (who could not say "what is a woman?"), Dem corruptocrats Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, and Trump appointee Amy Coney Barrett (showing you Trump got snookered by his advisors yet again; Barrett posed as a conservative but isn't.)

Four of the men on the court--all but one--voted against the regime, allowing Texas to defend itself.  The crucial, deciding fifth vote came from chief justice John Roberts, who has consistently supported Democrats, notably in DECREEING that the "individual mandate" of notorious Obozocare was a tax (which was the only way Obozocare could be constitutional) even though Obozo's own regime lawyers argued that it was NOT a tax.

SO...think all that's conspiracy talk?  Fake news?  Well it's from ABC, which is utterly, fawningly, slobberingly pro-Democrat, so....

The country is gone.  Gut-shot.  Dead.  And instead of defending our border, the biden regime is actively fighting any state efforts to reduce the massive invasion.

While some of the invaders are innocent (they help the ones who are cartel members, terrorists and ordinary thugs hide in the crowd), a huge number are hell-bent on smuggling drugs, murder, rape, robbery and acts of terrorism.  But because the Media fellates the Democrat party, the Media have helped the Dems couch the massive invasion as "Ohhh, those poor, poor, suffering pipo!  You mus' pay to hep dem!  An' don't worry if compassionate elites (Democrats and RINOs) give 'em duh right to vote, cuz...well, dat jus' a normal t'ing "residents" get to do, eh?

I mean, if you invaded a country, wouldn't you want the right to vote?  Sure you would!  So how can we deny 'em dat right, eh?  Ah, thought you'd see reason, deplorable!

Now let me tell you what this means for your future: It means the Democrats know the SC won't rule against anything they do when they steal the November election, as in 2020.


Source: ABC newz



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