January 20, 2024

Mayorkas: "Duh border is totally secure." Yesterday *biden* said "It's NOT." Who's right?

After regime's DHS chief claims "the border is totally secure" hundreds of times, suddenly...

Alejander Mayorkas is biden's hand-picked head of the damn "Department of Homeland Security," and has told Americans hundreds of times--on video--that "The southern border is *totally* secure!"  And no one in the Mainstream Media contradicted him.

And Porridgebrain, he don' say nuthin'.
Until yesterday, when Porridgebrain told reporters the US-Mexico border is NOT secure.

Mayorkas, whose DHS is responsible for border security, has repeatedly outraged conservatives by claiming “the border is totally secure” even as record numbers of foreigners were illegally entering the U.S. by simply walking across the open, undefended border.

So which is it, Democrats?  You gonna back your " " "president" " ", or his hand-picked Cuban DHS chief?  *Pick one.*
Of course Porridgebrain's handlers may well "walk back" (i.e. contradict) his statement--which they often do.  So tomorrow the Media will parrot the handlers' claim that biden "misunderstood the question" or some such.

After Porridgebrain bleated that he *really, really wanted to fix the border,* he went on to blame House Republicans for the tsunami of illegals crossing every day: "Are they ready to act as well?” Biden said.

“They have to choose whether they want to solve a problem or keep weaponizing the issue to score political points against the president. I’m ready to solve the problem. I really am,” he added. “Massive changes, and I mean it sincerely.”  

"My word as a biden," eh sparky?  "My son is the smartest person I know."  "We believe in truth over facts.

Biden's sudden *stated willingness* to get tough on illegal immigration only comes after repeated polls have shown only 20% of voters approve of his border policy of allowing everyone to enter and remain--which got worse after December saw an all-time high in illegal entries, capping a similar record for the whole year.

For the record: biden has no intention of closing the border.  Instead he's simply bleating that he wants to, to stop the bleeding of his approval rating.  He's blaming House Republicans for supposedly being unable to do anything to stop illegal immigration, hoping the Media will force the House to cave to his demands to send another $80 billion to Ukraine as the price for engaging in *talks* to tighten border security.

And of course the corrupt RINOs in the House will take the bait. 




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