January 19, 2024

Starting in 50 days the biden regime DECREES most "independent contractor" jobs won't be legal

Over 70 million Americans are so-called "gig workers"--independent contractors, freelancers. They set their own hours to work when they want, for whoever they want, usually several different employers.  They like it because it offers them flexibility--mainly working when you don't have other demands on your time, like parenting, or a 9-to-5 job that doesn't pay what you need.

Examples include Uber drivers, freelance writers, bar musicians, realtors and partners in law firms.  Companies liked independent contractors because the laws FORCING companies to provide health insurance, higher-paid overtime and retirement benefits to employees didn't apply to independents, so companies saved money.

So for 70 million Americans, and companies, independent contractors are great.  But to a totalitarian regime what's good for citizens often won't be allowed.  In this case the biden regime is issuing the RULE because of two things: The first is called the "withholding tax."  The second is labor unions.

Many young Americans don't know what the withholding tax is.  For them I'll explain: it's a diabolically clever way for the IRS to ensure everyone pays their taxes: The LAW forces employers to withhold 20% or so of an employee's wages, and to pay that amount to the IRS as often as every two weeks.  

A company with lots of employees has to pay those taxes to the IRS every two weeks, to the penny.  The law even forces the self-employed to pay this "withholding"  Even poor self-employed people who earn less than $20,000 a year are required by law to pay 15 to 20% of their "nominal" salary to the IRS every quarter, with huge penalties for failing to obey.

The difference is that while a big company does all the collection and paying FOR the IRS (by taking the money out of your paycheck), "independent contractors" (who are considered self-employed) have to make those payments themselves.  And inevitably, some don't.

The regime sees money there.  Problem is, how can they get it?  And finally they've figured out a way:  Issue a federal DECREE banning almost all "independent contractors."

So the regime has passed a RULE (decree) like the LAW the Peoples' Republic of California passed three years ago, essentially decreeing that no one can be a "contract employee" unless they pay millions in "campaign donations" to the Democrats.

Naturally you think I'm kidding, cuz unless you're a gig worker in Cali you never heard of this outrageous law, or biden's DECREE.  But you're about to, cuz beginning March 11th the regime is adopting the California law, with virtually no changes.

Between now and the start date of the new DECREE is just 50 days.  How many Americans will have time to find a new job in that time, or save enough for the month or so needed to find a new one?  And what INSANE, tyrannical despot would throw people into that situation??

On March 11th the new DECREE from biden's Department of Labor--with the explicit approval of the regime strategists--will virtually eliminate 70 MILLION "independent contract workers" who depend on part-time work to support their families.  

Of course if you're not one of those, you couldn't care less, eh?

But if you like, say, Uber, you may be thinking "It's outrageous that the Democrats would simply DECREE that up to 70 million Americans can no longer be independent contractors.  How can this happen in a supposedly free country?  And why did Cali have to pass a LAW to do it, but the Dems running the federal gummint can just do it by DECREE?"

Hahahahahaha!  Figured it out, did ya?

The new biden/Labor DECREE (which they soothingly call a regulation or rule cuz it sounds so much nicer than "order" or decree, eh?) will force companies to hire workers who are now freelancers as regular employees, increasing the company's costs.  And of course who ultimately pays those higher costs, eh?

You do.

So by this decree the regime turns millions of former gig workers into regular employees, so employers will take taxes out of their paychecks and promptly send that cash to the IRS, as happens with all regular employees.  That's good for the biden regime.

But another party gets an even bigger benefit: Biden's union supporters.  See, virtually all big companies are unionized, and in states that don't have "right to work" laws, all employees are required to pay union dues even if they don't join the union.

Multiply $50 bucks a month times 70 million new union members and you get $3.5 BILLION more for the unions EVERY MONTH.  Some of that money buys a fancier Mercedes for union officials, of course, but tens of millions of dollars every month will go right to the Democrat party.  That's a LOT of money.

Starting to see the real goal yet?

Biden's handlers have directed this RULE to give his Big Labor supporters more money.  LOTS more.  He promised unions that he'd pass a monstrosity called the "Protect the Right to Organize Act" (H.R.20) which would nullify ALL state "right to work" laws, forcing all workers to join the union; allow leaders of striking unions to call for members of other unions to strike, to force companies to surrender ("secondary strikes"), and would bar companies from suing for that kind of interference.  It would also force elections on whether to unionize to be open-ballot, meaning anyone voting no would be known.

Biden promised to be the “most pro-union president you’ve ever seen,” but since his handlers haven't been able to pass HR-20 this DECREE will keep the union bosses supporting him, rewarding all those campaign donations.

And the regime is ordering the DECREE even though it will clobber the economy thru higher costs.  Also, since companies can't afford to hire all the people who were former contract workers, many of those former independent contractors will lose their current income.  But hey, you ain't them, so...

The Biden administration is trying to sell its new DECREE as "protecting workers" by forcing companies to give 'em regular benefits like health insurance, mandatory overtime pay and paid time off.  And certainly those who are hired may love the tradeoff of no longer being able to work when they want but getting new benefits.

The point is, they won't have the choice they now have.  But hey, you ain't them, so...

The biden regime has decided it’s better to take choices away from Americans in order to give labor unions $3 billion more every month.

The push to force almost all workers as employees (AB 5) was started in California by the owners of taxi companies.  All their drivers were clearly employees, which made their costs a lot higher, so they had to charge more in fares.  The folks who founded Uber and Lyft realized that by letting people drive (and maintain) their own cars and work when they wanted, they could charge a LOT less--which turned out to be absolutely true.

Losing money, the taxi company owners realized the best defense would be to either put the upstarts out of business, or at least force 'em to make independent drivers regular employees, eliminating the price advantage.  The gave a few well-placed checks to the Dem pols who rule the Cali "assembly," and AB 5 sailed thru.

Interestingly, biden’s acting secretary of Labor, Julie Su, was in charge of labor and "workforce bureaucracy" for the Democrat government of California.

Oh wait...did I say "sailed through"?  Even though most of the people hurt by the law had no power at all, turns out two VERY powerful groups in the state also opposed the bill before it passed: Realtors, and...wait for it...partners in law firms.

They objected, and with the help of a few million in well-placed campaign donations the final bill exempted them from being classed as employees.  It was a miracle, eh?

The new DECREE--again, slated to take effect in just 50 days--has already triggered its first lawsuit, filed this week by a group of freelance editors and writers who fear a loss of work due to the rule.

Which was the exact effect of AB 5.  But you aren't them, so....




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