January 21, 2024

Wokie judge RULES that digging *foundations* for wind turbines is "mining," so...ooohhh!

Wanna see an example of why the U.S. as you knew it is already dead?

Clearly you don't, but you need to, to know how to fight the best retreat you can against the forces destroying our nation.  They aren't formally, technically communists, but effectively they are, because they want to take whatever they want, under "cover" of law.  And they get away with it because in our nation today the law means whatever they want it to.

The story from communist NPR:

Your Democrat rulers constantly bleat about how faaaabulous wind energy is, right?  So in Oklahoma (and many other states) wind-energy companies went to land owners and paid 'em for permission to install wind turbines on their land.

Totally normal and legal.  

After securing those leases the wind companies installed over 80 wind turbines, at a huge cost.

Now a corrupt federal judge has ordered that all those must be torn down.  And the legal reasoning (sic) behind the DECREE will tell you a great deal about what's happened to the legal system.

The ruling stems from the fact that back in 1906 the Osage tribe was given the mineral rights to the area in question.  In normal parlance that means that the royalties from any oil, gas, coal or other minerals produced from that land would go to the tribe instead of to the surface landowner.  Totally normal.

But the tribe--seeing an opportunity to extort cash from the company that installed the windmills--sued, claiming that when the company built the foundations for the windmills, they dug into the surface. (NPR says "blasted" cuz that term is a psychological trigger.)  The biden regime, representing the tribe,  claimed digging a foundation was legally "mining," which required the permission of the tribe.

Here's how wokie NPR described it:

The ruling also applies to the rocks and soil underground.  The wind farm companies argued they didn't need permission because their turbines are above ground. But wind turbines need a foundation, and in court, lawyers for the federal government and the Osage showed a video blasting rock for that foundation.

Didja catch that?  "Lawyers for the federal gruberment..."  The biden regime argued for the ludicrous notion that digging a foundation was "mining."

Since the company never paid the tribe for the right to install the concrete foundations for the windmills--which a federal judge absurdly agreed was "mining"--he DECREED that all the windmills must be torn down.

Now "mining" has a long and well-known meaning.  Obviously building a foundation has never been considered "mining" since it extracts nothing.  If building a foundation was considered "mining" every land-owner who built a home would have had to ask the tribe for permission to build their foundation and dig for water and sewer lines, eh?  (That's next.)

If digging into the soil (but NOT extracting anything) is "mining," then so is farming, eh?

And yet a goofy, wokie federal judge DECREED that building a foundation IS "mining," and so has ordered the company that installed the "wind-farm" to tear 'em all down.

Now: Obviously the company that installed the windmills has invested tens of millions in the project (without looking my guess would be on the order of $50 million).  So not only would tearing 'em down wipe out that investment, my guess is that tearing down over 80 of 'em would cost the company an extra ten million or so.  So now the tribe has the company over a barrel, and unless it can beg the tribe to settle, it's looking at a net loss of probably $60 million or so.

The tribe's lawsuit is clearly an attempt to warp the law beyond all recognition to extort money from the company that installed the windmills.  And it worked!  The company will now be forced by a goofy federal judge to pay the tribe a million dollars or so to retroactively give the company permission to "mine" to install the foundations, to avoid losing $60 million.

Now: Except for the utterly predictable damage to the rule of law by this goofy federal judge, I love this!  A "woke" company saw a way to make money from a crazy federal law called "PURPA" (look it up) by installing over 80 windmills.  And then the same wokie stupidity that induced 'em to invest that money is now biting 'em in the ass.

For uneducated Americans:  Wokiez bleat that electricity produced by windmills is less expensive than electricity produced by conventional sources.  That's a brazen lie: It's actually *far more expensive.*  The only reason companies do wind-farms is because decades ago the wokiez in the Dem party rammed thru a LAW that forced every electric utility to buy electricity from wind-farms at a far higher price than the average.  

And of course who paid the legally-forced higher amount?

If you don't instantly know, you're too stupid to understand any of this.

SO...prediction:  The company will pay the Osage tribe over a million bucks for retroactive permission to "mine."  As NPR wraps it, "A court will determine if the company must compensate the Osage Nation for use of the material they dug up more than a decade ago."

Is this a great country or what?

Death to wokiez.  Live by the corruption, die by the corruption. 

Source: NPR



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