January 18, 2024

biden regime has faabulous new system to kiss illegal-alien ass as the regime flies 'em north

An American citizen was going thru an airport this morning and saw the notice below.  Read it.

For those who couldn't be bothered: to buy a plane ticket American citizens must have, not just any ID, not just a "photo ID," but a goddamn FEDERALLY APPROVED PHOTO ID.  Meaning the feds know everything about you.

But under this new program from biden's CBP and biden's corrupt TSA, illegal aliens with NO identification whatsoever will be allowed to board planes.  All TSA dweebs will do to "screen" them is ask for their alien identification number.  That's just as good, eh?  Cuz all their identifying info must be stored with that number somewhere in the myriad tunnels of the great gummint, right?

Ya think so?  WAIT, keep reading--cuz when an illegal sez "No tengo numero, culo," TSA has been ordered to nicely ask the illegal (i.e. beg) to tell the TSA agent whatever the illegal claims his name is.  So, "Yo soy Hunter Biden, culo."  So if 10,000 "Jose Cuervo"s supposedly board airplanes this month, it's just a coincidence, eh?  

TSA thugs can body-search your 9-year-old daughter or 90-year-old grandmother and you can't decline if you wanna get on the plane.  But for illegal aliens TSA can't look beyond "Me llamo Jose Chen, culo," or whatever.  Can't ask 'em for ANY verification, can't photograph 'em if they decline, can't fingerprint 'em or raise a damn eyebrow.  

What a system, eh?

Democrat shills bleat in unison, on cue, "DIS FAKE NEWS!!"  Really?

Commenters had a great (satirical) idea:  All Americans going thru TSA "screening" should say "Soy illegal alien, culo."  But it's just a joke, cuz of course YOUR name is printed on your ticket.  And you couldn't get that ticket without federales-approved photo ID.  So dey know who you are, and everything about you.  So it's just tongue-in-cheek.

The other amazing part isn't on the printed notice:  It's that instead of the biden regime sending illegals to interior cities via much lower cost buses, the regime is flying the illegals everywhere, at taxpayer expense!

Is this a great country or what?  You are being replaced, and the Democrats are about to get 8 MILLION new voters. 



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