January 21, 2024

"Revisionist History" about the so-called "vaccine;" lies, like everything else from the Dems

For some time now you've been seeing a fascinating bit of "revisionist history" (i.e. lies) from the biden regime and the Media:  "No one EVER said if you took the jab you couldn't get covid!  So when conservatives say we did, they're lying!"


Next they'll be claiming the biden regime NEVER ordered working Americans to take the jab.  "NOOooo, we merely SUGGESTED that good Americans take the vaccine!  Merely a "suggestion."  If you chose to take it, you knew it was experimental, for "emergency use only," and you freely chose to take it!  So we take no responsibility at ALL."

After that they'll claim no wokie Dem-ruled school board EVER demanded that your five-year-old had to have taken the jab in order to let him attend school!  "NOOooo, it was merely a suggestion!  See, we said "good parents" would eagerly get their precious children vaccinated, and that anyone who refused hated their kids and was willing to see them die!  So obviously all good parents obeyed our 'suggestion,' eh?  So if there are any adverse effects in the future, it's absolutely NOT our fault!"

And the Mainstream Media will back 'em up in both these outrageous lies.

And when the auto-makers who have ten billion dollars in unsold electric cars ask the biden regime to bail them out, the regime will claim "We never ordered you to make those cars!  Oh sure, we may have suggested you do that, but the decision was yours.  If you made a bad decision it's totally not our fault.

Wheee!  And the Mainstream Media will never call the regime out for its lies.


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