biden regime has been caught reporting fake-high job numbers every year
It won't surprise anyone to read that the number of jobs added in a month is a huge indicator of how the economy is doing, so has a huge effect on both the stock and bond markets.
In fact, mere rumors of how faaabulous the jobs report is about to be (it's released on the first Friday of each month, early in the morning) make the stock market jump hundreds of points. don't think the biden regime may have been lying about job numbers to make things look rosy even as the economy has been cratering, do ya?
I've been telling you for three years that the regime was lying about jobs, overstating the numbers by a LOT: The initial jobs report claims faaaabulous results for the prior month--but then the *next* month the regime quietly revises those numbers down--often by a LOT. But of course the Mainstream Media ignores the revision, cuz they support the biden/harris/mayorkas/garland/buttigeig regime.
Now we learn that last December the regime quietly reduced the number of jobs it claimed were created last year--and not just a little, but by a staggering 439,000. That comes from analyzing figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Let that roll around for a minute.
That means the regime lied, inflating the number of jobs they claimed by 439,000, to make everything look faaabulous.
Of course no civilian would have any idea whether this was a big deal or not, so to put this in perspective 439,000 jobs are over 40% of the claimed jobs added in 2023. Ooohhh.
But don't fret, citizen, cuz one sector of job creation really *is* BOOMING, citizen! Can ya guess?
Sure ya can: government! In December all levels of "gruberment" added a whopping 52,000 jobs. Think that could have been just an anomaly? Not a bit: the three-month average of jobs created by the government sector was 50,000 per month.
When Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su was asked if this is sustainable she refused to answer.
Starting to get it yet?
Nah, you aren't. And it's not your fault: You're too busy trying to feed your family, keep a roof over your head and raise your kids--which makes perfect sense.
What's another booming sector? "Health care and social assistance," much of which is paid for by...wait for it...the federal gruberment. That sector added 59,000 jobs.
In case you think the 439,000 fictitious jobs reported by the regime is an accident or a one-off, it's not: Last August the BLS issued a "preliminary revision" for the 12 months from March 2022 to 2023, admitting that they'd said U.S. had added 306,000 more jobs than were really added. That’s an average of 25,500 fewer jobs per month.
Since most voters have no idea if that's serious, consider that for the last decade or so the economy has needed to add 225,000 jobs just to stay even with population growth. So the "fake" is about an 11% overstatement--enough to make everything seem WAY better.
Other agencies have noticed the regime faking the numbers: In December of 2022 the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank claimed the regime had over-reported jobs growth by a staggering 1.1 million in the second quarter of 2022.
The Media slobberingly, fawningly parrots the White House and the Democrat party when the Vegetable-in-chief claims he "created 13 million to 14 million jobs." But economists and market analysts have pointed out those were jobs that were simply resumed after the plandemic shutdowns temporarily forced the layoff of 22 million workers.
Manufacturing jobs are highly important, since they create a "rising tide" effect for other sectors. So how's that sector doing, eh?
It's been shrinking for 14 straight months.
There's a thing called the "labor force participation rate." It measures the percentage of able citizens who have jobs. It's a better indicator than the unemployment rate because the latter has been totally corrupted by goofy rules like "We don't count you as unemployed if you're not *looking for work.* How goofy is that, eh?
So what's that number?
It's at a post-WW2 low 62.5%.
How ya think doze pipo livin,'? Welfare or crime. (No one collects and sells aluminum cans anymore--doesn't pay enough.)
"But duh Media sez duh economy beez BOOMING! And they wouldn't lie, would they?
Another telltale indicator is the number of full-time versus part-time jobs. Since June of last year the booming economy has lost 1.5 million full-time jobs--while adding 796,000 part-time workers. A record-high 8.69 million people now hold multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet.
Democrat strategist: "Dis not true! NONE of dis beez true! Your beloved preznit would *nevah* lie to you, or let his totally honest, unbiased federal employees do dat! Dis beez a 'right-wing scare story!' Yep yep yep! An' duh proof is, if any of dis wuz true, your unbiased Media would have told ya! Since dey din' do dat, it not true!"
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