December 21, 2023

Leaked Democrat talking point describes a great new bill

To: Party Members
From: Majority Leader Schumer
Subject: New bill to defend our Democracy

Americans know one of the most important keys to the survival of our precious Democracy is a free press.  We depend on newspapers to know what's happening.

Unfortunately the rise of the Internet has caused many Americans to turn to sources other than our trusted major newspapers to get their news.  Similarly, as companies that have always advertised in newspapers have started advertising on websites, newpaper ad revenue has dropped.

These factors have caused many major newspapers to lose money, and have forced many to lay off journalists, reducing the amount of trustworthy, accurate, government-verified information available to good Americans.  
This is a dire threat to our democracy.  We can't afford to lose vital journalists, or let even one major newspaper fail.  After all, as the Washington Post says, "Democracy dies in darkness."

So after Jan 1 our Party will introduce a bill called the Securing Honest Information Today Act.  Following the precedent set by our caring president in repaying student loans for certain borrowers, this Act will pay newspapers the same amount they currently receive from subscribers each year.  Of course subscribers will still pay the usual amount to subscribe to the paper, but the papers will now have enough revenue to keep them from having to cut back on the vital, trusted news we depend on.

The cost of this subsidy will be paid by requiring every entity that writes a political or news blog to get a license, probably for a nominal $25,000 per year.  The revenue from these licenses is forecast to cover the entire billion-dollar cost of the subsidy to newspapers.

The Act will also create a new office under the Federal Communications Commission to monitor the Internet to ensure that everyone who posts political or news content has the required license.

A second office will be created under the Department of Homeland Security to arrest anyone who publishes without the required license.

This Act will safeguard our precious Democracy from mis-information, dis-information and mal-information spread by our adversaries, like the Trump-supporting  Russians.  It will also ensure that Americans aren't endangered by seeing stories charging friendly nations like China with absurd things like "modifying viruses," as many right-wing extremist bloggers claimed with Covid-19.

As you celebrate the holidays with your supporters back home, tell them how important the "Supporting Honest Information Today" act is to safeguarding our precious democracy, and to defeating our opponents, which must be done if our precious Democracy is to survive.

A good quote you can use is from a journalism professor who said 

“We can't just let the free market reduce the influence of journalists.  We must insist that Democrats do whatever it takes to ensure flagship pro-Democrat newspapers thrive. In fact, ensuring that voters only read and see approved news is so important that government should fund Democrat-supporting newspapers.”

Happy Holidays,


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