December 21, 2023

"Everything is great, citizen!"...and other propaganda.

Folks who write movie scripts sometimes write (or merely copy) timeless truths.

Everyone has their favorites.  One of mine is "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

Movie fans will recognize that line from the excellent movie "The Usual Suspects" (very bloody but well worth your time), but the idea is usually credited to Charles Baudelaire in 1864.  And actually many earlier examples exist.

So what's the relevance to us?

If you know nothing about history you naturally think tomorrow will be nearly the same as today (and every other day).  That belief makes life much less stressful. But the fact is that we're getting very close to an economic meltdown, at a time of dire threats both internal and foreign.

Democrats: "Nonsense!  You're just making this up!  Our Democrat leaders are very smaht and competent!  Duh border is more secure than ever!  The economy is booming!  Prices are no longer rising!  China is our friend!  We don't know anyone who's died from fentanyl!  Our greatest threat is Global Warming!  Our greatest threat is White Supremacy!  Diversity is our strength!  Freedom is slavery!  War is peace!  Ignorance is strength!  President biden did NOT take bribes from China!  The 2020 election was the most honest in history!

Recognize those bleats?

And worse, this is all happening at a time when we're being "led" by arguably the most inept, stupid, corrupt morons in history.

Ever since the Bolshevik Revolution (that was in Russia), the "elites" who ran the NY Times, WaPo, Time Magazine and the other Mainstream outlets have always fawned over communism.  They kept assuring us that the Cold War was just a right-wing fantasy, and implied that communism was barely different from capitalism.  They assured us that the Soviet Union (now simply Russia) was our friend.

It wasn’t until 2020 that the "elites" and their friends in the Media --desperate to find a way to defeat pro-America, pro-capitalism Donald Trump--totally reversed this Narrative, suddenly claiming that Russia was indeed a grave threat to the U.S. because...wait for it..."Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election from Hilliary."

The Left didn't remotely believe that, of course, but recognized that bleating "Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election" could be used to sabotage Trump's entire term in office.  And the Media ensured that it did.

From the 1960s through today, virtually all the "cool kids" have been anti-American students, college professors and Hollywood writers.  They were absolutely certain that the U.S. was founded on evil principles by evil white-supremacist Founders, and had to be fundamentally changed.

(Obama: "We're going to fundamentally change this country."  Hmm...)

If one of those changes ended freedom of speech for people the Left didn't like, so what?  If they permitted the imprisonment of Americans for saying forbidden things, or walking into the capitol building, so what?  As Stalin famously said, You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

The seeds of what we’re experiencing now were planted long ago, when few Americans realized what was happening.  So when 2020 came along, all the pieces were in place to allow the Democrat party to commit massive election fraud.

The Democrats knew that once a winner was announced, claims of massive election fraud would be ignored, because no judge would dare stop the proclaimed winner, even if the evidence was overwhelming.

Recall that just months earlier, rioting leftists had burned down entire blocks of U.S. cities because a black drug dealer in police custody had swallowed his stash and died.  

George Floyd's autopsy found he had five times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, and no injury to his neck.  Didn't matter--the Narrative overwhelmed reality.

Would any judge re-ignite those riots by delaying the inauguration that would rid the Democrats of duh Orange Man?  Not on your life.

So now, with the next presidential election just 11 months away, and biden trailing in the crucial swing states that decide the election, do ya think the Dems will just shrug and say "Well, ya win some an' lose some, eh?"

Or do you think they'll double down to steal this one too--knowing how easy it is to do, and how easily they got away with it last time?

Just watch: as election day approaches, every poll run by the Mainstream Media will show the race almost even--cuz it's the only way they can make the steal seem believable.

Watch for the TV networks to call crucial swing states for the Democrat with only one or two percent of the vote tallied. Not reasonable, but that's exactly what happened in 2020 in Arizona.

Watch for vote totals to show Trump leading until 3 a.m., then a huge batch at 3 a.m. being marked 99% for the Democrat (statistically impossible).

Watch for city cops in Democrat-ruled cities keeping GOP poll watchers out of the ballot-opening, scanning and signature-matching areas--which is just what happened in 2020.

The Dems know how easy it is to cheat. 

More later.


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