December 19, 2023

A brief history for young Americans

This post is actually about U.S. economic policy.  It's just gonna take a minute to set it up, so bear with me.

After my previous careers as a jet pilot and in our small family oil business, I didn't need to work again.  After a few years of total chance I got into tutoring college students.

I've now been doing that for longer than most Americans have been alive.  And it's been both great fun and...VERY informative.

And one thing I've found is that 99% of college students know absolutely nothing about history.  Of course this isn't the students' fault: the thoroughly leftist public schools never taught 'em history or really much useful at all.  

SO to start to fix that:  Back in America's "glory days" from around 1940 to 1960 or so, we were an industrial powerhouse.  But after WW2, the socialists running what's amusingly called "your" government decided industry was bad.  In fact they bleated that all corporations except Hollywood, liberal papers and the leftist TV networks were bad.

So the Left used their political power to get American companies to move the bulk of their operations overseas.  One way was to pass dozens of laws requiring businesses to stop polluting--which was great.  Some businesses were clearly polluting, and everyone wanted to end that.  Totally agree--no complaints.

Then came OSHA--which ordered, for example, that pregnant women could not work in certain jobs because of the health risk.  Fine, but then the EEOC *sued* because a pregnant employee was moved to a lower-paying clerical job.

Can't win for losing, eh?

BTW, OSHA is the same outfit biden used to DECREE that all Americans working for companies with 100 or more employees MUST take the ineffective "vax" or be fired.

The EEOC DECREED that businesses could no longer use an IQ test to determine whether a prospective new hire was qualified to run, say, a nuclear reactor, or ask prospective employees if they'd been convicted of a crime.

The EEOC sued companies for not hiring the right number of minorities.  One company defended by proving they'd hired MORE minorities than their percentage of the local population.  EEOC didn't care, and fined the company a million bucks anyway.  Seriously.

So at that point a lot of corporate execs said "We got the message," and bailed out for better treatment overseas.  They knew  residents of other countries would be delighted to work for lower wages than in the U.S, since the cost of living overseas was far less than here.  So every company that could do so shipped many of their jobs overseas.

Congress could have reduced the incentive to do this by changing tax laws and levying tariffs on imports, but they didn't see it as a problem, so the exodus continued.  And as a result, today, almost 80 years after the end of WW2, the U.S. has only a fraction of the productive capacity we had back then.

When WW2 ended, Detroit was the third most prosperous city *in the entire world.* Seen "Detroit" recently?

Of course the Left is delighted.  They've succeded in banishing duh eeeebil companies from our shores, taking away jobs and putting more people on welfare (cunningly called "government assistance").  

Believe it or not, that's actually an openly stated leftist plan called "Cloward-Piven," to get "activists" to sign as many people as possible up for welfare, bankrupting the government.

Seriously.  It was pushed by two leftist professors and seems to be working.

So for the Left it's "mission accomplished." Yay, eh?

But one effect of that huge exodus is that the U.S. is now totally dependent on imports not just for silly consumer junk but also for things like steel and medical drugs.

Leftists/socialists/communists/Democrats bleat: "SO??  Why dis a problem?  Dis guuuud!"

Oh, certainly:  As long as the U.S. government doesn't challenge the policies of the nations supplying us, like China, there's no problem.

How many of you think relative peace and trade will continue, eh?

Don't bother thinking about your answer.   

Last year Democrats controlled nine of the 10 wealthiest congressional districts.  Residents of those districts donate 100 to 1 for Democrats.  Figure it out.

In Pittsburgh in the 2020 election, ten percent more votes were tallied than the number of registered voters.

"Hey, no problem, citizen.  It called 'same-day registration.'"  Magic!  And no one batted an eye.

So where does that leave us?

In nature, failure to learn is usually fatal.  But in our "sophisticated, advanced society" the penalty for failing to learn from mistakes takes far longer for most citizens to recognize it.

The signs are there, of course.  Hell, they're almost impossible to ignore--but the ruling class is determined not only to ignore 'em, but to prevent you from calling attention to 'em.

When 10,000 illegal aliens walk across the southern border in a single day--a rate of 300,000 every month--it takes a complete fool to ignore it.  Same when the national debt increases by two trillion dollars in a single year, or when official Treasury department analysts say we'll be paying one TRILLION dollars in interest in the coming year.

Want more signs?  The elites in the U.N. and world economic forum have a "climate conference," flown to it on 1,400 private jets.  They get wokie pols from advanced nations to agree to reduce CO2 emissions, despite the fact that CO2 is NOT causing Global Warming.  Or Cooling.  Or sunspots.

That's just the start: now they're gunning for emissions of methane and nitrogen compounds.  The latter will require nations to ban farmers from using fertilizer, and to destroy dairy cows (euphemized as "culling their herds").  They say, without a trace of sarcasm, that us commoners should eat bugs.  Guess who'll continue to eat steak?

Finally, the moronic, wokie politicians and lackeys (John Kerry) ruling western nations have promised to stop using carbon-based fuels.  Guess what nation is opening an average of two new coal-fired generating plants every *week*, eh?

Yep, the same communist nation that bribed biden.  Oh wait, the regime called it "consulting fees" and "loan repayments."

Ah, how careless of me.


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