December 20, 2023

Company touts "FREE energy," by letting magic highways recharge electric cars wirelessly!

A few days ago I posted about a company touting "Free energy" for battery-powered cars and trucks.

Being familiar with the laws of thermodynamics, I, so looked into the company--and saw what seemed to be what could charitably be called a "stock play."

The company's pitch is a way to recharge cars wirelessly, as they drive.  Cool, eh?  Who could possibly object to a faaabulous deal like that, right?  And as with all marketers they gave it a cutesy name: "ASPIRE"-- "Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification."  

Works by using a really really high-tech principle discovered in...wait, this can't be right: 1831 ??  Yep, called "Faraday's law of induction" and it's how all electricity is produced today, by moving a coil of wire through a magnetic field (or vice-versa).

The grifters propose to have taxpayers (cunningly mis-labeled as "governments") pay to install tens of millions of electromagnets--coils of wire connected to the power grid--under major highways.  Then if you have a car whose manufacturer has licensed the company's payment system, your car can recharge as you drive--for a monthly fee, of course.

"Wait, so the claim of "FREE energy" is bullshit?  Say it ain't so!  I want my free shit!"

But even if you hafta pay, it's okay cuz it'll extend driving range.  Think lotsa car companies will license the grifters' tech?  Of course they will.  And wokie biden regime lackeys and local pols will eagerly, slobberingly ORDER that all highways be fitted with the wokie magic technology, at a cost of literally trillions of dollars.

And guess who will pay.  That's right: You, via your taxes.

This scheme works on the classic maxim of grifters for decades: "Privatize your profits, socialize your losses."  Except here there are no losses for the company, since they've spent almost nothing.  So the maxim is actually "socialize the costs."

What that means is, they'll use ignorant virtue-signaling politicians to get state- and federal government to fund all the demonstrations, and then pay to turn a few thousand miles of highways into these magic carpets.  Then the company will get royalties from the licenses forever--at virtually no cost to them.

The company--"Electreon"--had already gotten a hundred or so corporations to sign up, but that shouldn't impress you a bit since the wokiez who run companies are like sheep: if there's a chance to signal virtue to consumers, they'll do it.  

Oh, y'say you don't believe that?  Recall that wokie corporate types at Budweiser hired a totally absurd tranny (redundancy alert) to advertise their flagship blue-collar beer, costing the company a few billion dollars.  Reeeeally smaht, right?

Yeah, dem corporate-executive folks iz reeeally smaht.

So getting wokie corporate virtue-signalers to sign on to a scam--to look woke--is easy.  But the folks at Electreon went one better, by cleverly getting dozens of universities to join the rush to "saving duh Erf."

They've already convinced university professors and gubmint lackeys to fund test tracks at various universities--at taxpayer expense, of course.  Hell, the idea is SO faaaabulous that the "engineering research center" in Utah that's testing it has been funded by the National Science Foundation itself!  How much more proof do you need that this is the "wave of the future," citizen?

"Socialize your costs, privatize your profits."

It's utterly brilliant, since this particular scheme totally bypasses the free market.  All they need to do is get two guys in the biden regime to green-light it, and it's a done deal.

Let me explain:  It doesn't have to save energy, or reduce the dread CO2, or save money.  None of that silly stuff.  All that the grifters need is to a) convince two guys in the administration that this is great; and b) convince Democrats that they should spend a trillion bucks of your money testing it.  After all,  no price is to great to "save duh Erf," eh? 

Once the Dept of Energy signs off on it, cunning pols (who don't know jack about physics) will vote for any expenditure, since that vote will get them re-elected.  Cuz voters are convinced that electric cars will "save duh Erf."

Because Electreon has set this up so perfectly--getting hundreds of PhDs on board, knowing the push by the wokiez will give the pols the cover they need, and knowing all the car-makers will license the "FREE ENERY" claim--it's probably too late to stop this grift.  It's too, too perfect for our woke but gullible population.

"Hey citizen!  FREE ENERGY!  You kin drive for FREE!  Did we mention FREE??  Whut?  Okay, maybe we charge you a tiny bit, but way cheaper than gasoline!  And don't worry about the cost of putting our new, magic technology under a few thousand miles of highways!  Dat gonna be paid by Somebody Else!  Cost yew nuffin, citizen!"

You couldn't devise a more perfect grift.

Let me emphasize that while the technology is well-known, the lie is that by supporting it, yew kin drive for FREE.  As everyone should know by now, very few things are really free.


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