December 21, 2023

The best grift evah!

From 1933 to 1945--just a dozen years--the Nazis managed to kill 17 million people.

But compared to the "elite" members of the World Economic Forum and the Club of Rome, the Nazis were amateurs.  These two "elite" groups notes) BILLION deplorables to simply vanish.

Of course they'd never suggest that these seven billion be literally killed.  Heaven forbid!  (Actually they'd scream "Satan forbid!")  So not literally literally murdered.  They just want 'em to...go away.

Of course you don't believe any of that for a moment, eh?  You're too smart, and that claim is just too, too absurd to be true, eh?

Try this, sparky: Read what these groups have written and then get back to me.

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968.  Its foundational book is "Limits to Growth," co-authored by Dennis Meadows.  In 2017 Meadows claimed the population of the planet "needs to be brought back to one billion people."

You're a smart, well-informed person, right?  So to reach the goal of the elite Dennis Meadows and his fellow Club members, how many people would have to...vanish?

Take your time.  I'll wait.

The current global population is 8 billion.  

The idea that millions of people are draining the resources of the planet is an old one, first described by Thomas Malthus in 1798.  Malthus concluded that populations grew exponentially, while food production--at best--only grew linearly.

If you're familiar with those two math terms you know what that means.  But in 1798 Malthus was basing his ideas on observations of a relatively small island.  He had no idea about the actual size of the world, or the millions of acres of "arable" land.

Faced with what seemed to be a mathematical certainty of mass starvation, Malthus advocated for limiting reproduction of “undesirables.”   He argued that governments shouldn't give food to the poor, because that support would simply enable them to have more children.  But modern governments have decided that that working citizens should give the poor not just food and housing, but also a guaranteed income.  (More on that later.)

In 1968 the Club of Rome declared the “sustainable” population of the Earth was no more than one billion people.  (Nice round number, eh?  Think that was arrived at by calculation, or do ya think some elite pulled that wag out of his ass?)  But to avoid being compared to the Nazis they quickly claimed they didn't plan to kill anyone, but instead would "control population” by limiting the number of births. 

That actually a great idea.  Problem is, it only flies with educated citizens of advanced nations, who understand the benefit of only having enough kids to keep the population stable (2.08 children per female).  

The members of the Club of Rome knew the idea of limiting the number of kids wouldn't be embraced by developing nations, so they called for a global government to impose this result.

All the "elites" jumped on the Club of Rome’s bandwagon.  David Rockefeller, former head of Chase Manhattan Bank, was a big fan of global government.  He funded the Club of Rome, and was mentor to a Canadian named Maurice Strong.

Remember that name.

Strong—a Club of Rome member and board member of the World Economic Forum--ran the U.N.’s environmental program for over thirty years.  He was friends with Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF.  Schwab credits both Strong and Kissinger as mentors.

In 1992 Strong introduced the U.N.’s Agenda 21, pushing to cut population.  In 2019 Schwab--head of the WEF--signed an agreement with the U.N. secretary general to cooperate in accelerating the goal of cutting population and implementing Agenda 2030’s goals.

Again, I don't disagree with the idea of zero population growth.  Problem is, I don't think the *very smaht* globalist elites have thought this through--because uneducated people won't see the benefit.  So what populations will be reduced?

You already know: so-called "deplorables" in first-world nations.  We've been thoroughly indoctrinated with the idea that unlimited population growth is problematic, so will gladly support that goal.

The birth rate for Whites in the U.S. is already far below the replacement rate, meaning the percentage of whites is dropping.  So the elites are importing workers.  They haven't thought that one through either.  Ah well...

Read the U.N's "Agenda 2030."  Recognize what banning fossil fuels and fertilizers will mean in practical terms.

Of course as the price of plain ground beef in the U.S. goes to ten bucks a pound, the "elites" will still demand that the U.S. government continue to give poor nations millions of tons of food every year.  Cuz dey needs it.  Hmmm....

Why are millionaires like Bill Gates and Ted Turner buying up productive U.S. farmland and taking it out of production?

Why are the pushers of fake Global Warming forcing the most productive farmers and ranchers in Europe (the Netherlands) to stop using fertilizer?  The elites claim this is absolutely crucial to save duh Erf.

Short answer: the "elites" are perfectly happy to destroy Western nations, allegedly to “save the Erf,” while demanding that the U.S. continue to support poorer nations.  Meanwhile China continues to open two new coal-fired powerplants every week.  Hmmm....

No one elected the WEF and Club of Rome rulers of the planet.  Instead the founders and members of those clubs found a very profitable grift, and set themselves up for life.  And now our taxes are used by governments to pay to fly these grifters around the world in private jets to attend lavish conferences on...wait for it...the dangers of carbon dioxide!

You can't make this stuff up!



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