December 20, 2023

Will the biden regime ignore an order from the Fifth Circuit? Absolutely

Well here we go again, folks: Yet another chance for the biden regime to either obey or defy a ruling from a Court of Appeals--and the regime will defy it, cuz "Your stinkin' laws don't mean shit to us!"

The background: Texas was fed up with the destruction and cost of supporting the massive invasion of illegal aliens, so the governor authorized Texas national guard troops to put razor wire on the north bank of the Rio Grande to discourage the invaders.  (Who simply go to a "processing location.")

At the regime's order, biden's border patrol began cutting the wire, and also lifted it with a forklift to allow thousands of illegals to simply walk under it.  Cuz..."We don't have to obey any stinkin' laws!"

Outraged, the attorney-general of Texas sued the biden regime for failing to enforce valid U.S. immigration laws.

A federal judge found that the biden regime had indeed failed to enforce existing immigration law, but concluded that the regime had what's called "sovereign immunity"--the immunity claimed by kings--and allowed Border Patrol agents to resume cutting and lifting the razor-wire barriers.

The attorney-general of Texas appealed that ruling to the Fifth Circuit, which ruled that the federal government did NOT have "sovereign immunity" and could indeed be sued for failing to enforce U.S. law.  (Wow, there's a concept, eh?)  The court ordered biden’s lackeys to stop "destroying, damaging or otherwise interfering with" the barriers.

Now: anyone wanna bet on the regime's response?  

I predict the obvious: biden's handlers will quickly, brazenly defy the court order.  Cuz biden and his handlers have long-since shown that they don't give a damn about court orders.

Utterly corrupt, utterly lawless.  Thanks, Democrats.

And the real hoot is, the Dems are screaming that if Trump wins in 2024, he'll be a dictator (i.e. will ignore valid laws).  Wow, project much?



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