October 07, 2023

biden spokeswhore Ian Sams totally reverses position on duh vax, doesn't think you'll notice

"Ian Sams"  is one of Porridgebrain's army of spokeswhores.  And of course that automatically means he's also a lying rat-bastard scum-sucking piece of shit.

Oh, ya think that's too harsh?  In his tweets below, note how in mid-September of 2020--just three months before the vax would be rolled out, after it became apparent to the Leftists that Trump succeeded in getting the vax to market fast by cutting red tape (yes, in hindsight a mistake), Sams wailed that "Americans" were "rightly concerned" about the vax being rushed to market.  I agree.

But then watch below as this lying spokeswhore TOTALLY reverses his position on the "vaccine" that he'd wailed about just 15 months earlier:  On 9/2020 the vax was just AWFUL.  But by some magic, NOW he bleats that it's faaaabulous and effective.

What changed in the 15 months between those two tweets, eh?  Hint:  the vax didn't change.

What changed was that Sams' boss--nominally biden but actually his handlers--were installed in power.  And Porridgebrain promptly ORDERED virtually every American must take the jab.  To get away with that, every government and media whore had to quickly, utterly reverse their earlier position and claim duh vax was, like, TOTALLY safe and effective--even though they had claimed just months earlier that it was unsafe.

Now there are two lessons here:  The first is that the demons running the biden regime don't think anyone will be able to find their earlier bleats, and thus spotlight their utter hypocrisy.

The second is...because they control the media, they don't CARE if you find they totally reversed their earlier position.  That should scare you.  But of course you never knew about Sams' reversal until a minute ago, eh?


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