October 05, 2023

High school male--ranked 172nd in mens' cross country--goes tranny, dominates in women's division

This is a tiny vignette that illustrates a huge attack on our nation.

A biological male in Maine, competing in cross-country, was non-competitive as a male.  Then the male claimed to be female and is now ranked fourth in the state as a "girl" after going tranny.

Of course you never saw this before, and wouldn't see it, because the Mainstream Media doesn't want you to know about it.  And you may well wonder why.

Answer: the Democrat party is all-in on trannies, so the Media--always fellating the Democrat party--hides every instance of this until it's everywhere, thus too late to reverse.

So where are the feminist organizations that you'd think would be screaming to high heaven about this *outrage*, eh?

Good question.  They claim to be, like, *totally* supportive of females...and yet they're totally silent about this *outrage*.  If you have an IQ over 80 this should tell you something:  They're quite happy to fuck girls over, to accomplish their real goal: to destroy the Patriarchy.

Of course you don't believe that, right?  So you tell me: why aren't they up in arms, eh?

Take your time.  I'll wait.

Yeah, dat's what I thought.

The father of two female cross country runners in Maine schools noted "If a boy competing in sports were found to be using 'performance enhancing drugs' he would be disqualified.  But if a boy claims to be a girl, and is allowed to compete as a girl, not only is he NOT disqualified due to his hormone-induced higher muscle mass and lung capacity, he's praised for 'bravery.'  It's insane."

"Forcing girls to compete against this creature it is the grossest of injustices in every conceivable way, because it forces them to accept something which is an obvious lie.  Because of corrupt adults, girls who want to compete in their sport must accept the lie."

Now: here are the adults who support this shit, and thus need to be removed from the gene pool:

The "athletic director" of the highschool this freak attends--one Susan Sonntag--said "We support all our students, and are proud that our students are given the opportunity to participate in all of our school programs. And our school obeys Maine laws!"

Here's the next group that needs to be removed from the gene pool:  the governor and state legislators who passed the law that allowed trannies to compete as girls.

And one more: the "Maine Principals’ Association."  These pieces of communist Democrat wokie shit spewed a shit-salad: "We are committed to maximizing the opportunities for all students to participate in interscholastic activities and athletics, regardless of their gender identity or expression."
    "At the same time, the MPA is committed to *ensuring fair competition*...

Every member who voted for this should be fired...now...all of 'em.  But of course they can't be fired.  Kind of amusing how they rigged that, eh?

But don't get excited, citizen.  Cuz the MPA has a "Gender Identity Equity Committee" that will ensure that only authentic trannies are permitted to compete against your daughters.

None of dem "fake trannies" allowed, eh?  Thanks, assholes.

Now: some readers have asked why I'm so angry at trannies.  After all, our poor nation has far bigger problems, eh?  I totally agree.

Problem is, one of the ways the destroyers do their work is to get the entire population of a nation to accept small, seemingly trivial lies.  Reason is, once that line is crossed, they know you'll accept *every* lie--including the big ones, like "The 2020 election was the most honest and secure in our history!  There was NO vote fraud whatsoever!"

And "The United States has always been raaacist."

And "Your selfish insistence on driving a car is causing the climate to fatally warm--except in those parts where it's causing the climate to get far colder!  And we don't need to debate this because all scientists agree that 'The Science is Settled' on this subject!"

And "Duh vaxxene beez, like, totally safe and effective.  An' we haz approved it fo' yo' six-month-old!  So get them vaxxed right away, or you'll be accused of child abuse!"

And "Guns are used by thugs to kill and rob people.  So civilians shouldn't be allowed to have guns.  Support gun registration!  And we promise not to use that to confiscate your guns!  Really!  Trust us!"

And "Isn't it SO much more convenient to pay for anything by simply touching your plastic card to a terminal?  Sure!  No fumbling around with dirty currency, eh?  An' you nevah know what kinda germs or drugs are lurking on duh currency, right?  So whut you need is...wait for it...*digital currency!*  You'll love the convenience!  Trust us!"

And "Covid was absolutely NOT modified in a Chinese lab to make it lethal to humans, and anyone who claims it was is raaaacist!"

And "Our great leader, Joe, didn't make any money at all from his son's various business ventures around the globe." 




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