July 09, 2023

Democrats had a way to nullify the SC's ruling barring race in admissions before it was even issued

Even before the Supreme Court banned weighing race in college admissions, a professor at Cal Davis had found a workaround to defeat that ban: 'adversity scores' for admissions

If you're NOT a Democrat, you think when the Supreme Court rules X, it becomes the law of the land, right?


If you're a conservative, that's right.  We obey court rulings even when they penalize our side.  But Democrats--being both more cunning and more determined to win--merely shrug and say "Fuck 'em, we'll do what we fucking well please."

Is that cool or what?  Why obey the Supreme Court when they make a ruling you don't like, right?

SO...a dipshit, pencil-neck liberal PhD at the University of California Davis School of Medicine has developed a “socio-economic disadvantage scale” to allow students with poor academic scores to be admitted to med-school based on their “adversity scores.”

The "socio-economic disadvantage scale" was developed by Dr. Mark Henderson, who also happens to be the associate dean of admissions at the university.  And as you could guess, he was working on this well before the court announced its ruling, so the Dems would have the workaround already in the bag.

“I call it class-based affirmative action,” Henderson said. “Class struggles have a huge overlap with race.  That’s how we skirted the issue.

Liberals complain that the families of over half of all medical students are in the top 20 percent of income.  But liberals then go on to note that "As a result, these wealthy students are 24 times more likely to become doctors" than students from lower-income families."

What this shows--inadvertently, to be sure--is that kids from high-income families--families far more likely to have taught their kids the importance of studying really hard to learn all the basics of the sciences--are far more likely to have the educational background to become doctors, eh?

Nah, must be some sinister explanation.  So if blacks (for example) are 13% of the population but only four percent of doctors, let's admit a lot more to med schools.  Wait...is there some difference in the level of general education that accounts for a lower percentage of minorities admitted than their percent of the population?

Don't ask.  Just obey Henderson.

Henderson said applicants whose parents are physicians received a score of zero on his "adversity scale"--meaning no adversity.  Of course the university cunningly doesn't say how much weight the "adversity score" is given compared to  academics and test scores.  It'll just be pure coincidence if the percentage of minorities admitted doesn't change even one percent from current numbers.

Cal Davis has reported that 84 percent of students in the latest med-school class came from “disadvantaged backgrounds”--though it includes the 60 percent of female students as being "disadvantaged," which is odd.  14 percent were African American, which is just a percent above their percentage in the population.

Henderson said around 20 other schools have contacted UC Davis to learn about the adversity scoring system, meaning all schools will adopt some version of it.  And say, here's an amazing coincidence:  Months ago Porridgebrain bleated that his administration would create a “new standard for colleges to account for the adversity a student has overcome.”

So all the screaming and hair-pulling about the Court ruling against considering race in admissions will have no effect whatsoever.  The Democrats found a way to nullify the court's ruling before it was even issued.




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