June 27, 2023

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists captured by queers and trannies, seeks unilateral disarmament

You probably think "atomic scientists" are no-nonsense guys.  Thus we were surprised to read the following headline in the normally gray "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists:"

"Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes Disarmament"

Surprise!  The queers, trannies and wokies have captured this organization, as they've captured most in the U.S. (and other western nations).

If you're not sure there's really such a thing as queer nukes, you're not alone.  But don't worry: the queers and trannies are gonna tell us.  But don't be surprised if it doesn't make sense.  That's because it doesn't have to.  The communists pushing this crap don't care if it doesn't make sense, because the point is simply to make taxpayers cower, to be too afraid to pick up a weapon and kill someone.  It's all about getting you to accept their control.

If you're over 15 or so you've probably heard the word "totalitarianism," or totalitarian government.  Ask your parents what that means.

LGBT-ism is a totalitarian ideology.  That means it demands to control everything it thinks is worth controlling.  Like communism or Nazism did.

The pushers will quickly bleat that NOOooo, they don't want to control everything, comrade!  Not at all!  You are free to decide what TV shows you watch, what you'll fix for dinner, what you'll wear tomorrow.  See?  Total free will.

Nah, just kidding: anything they think is worth controlling, they'll control.  You won't have a choice.  You won't even be allowed to say anything they don't like.  (See Michigan leader bill here.)

Teaching CRT in schools?  Check.  Pushing kids to go tranny?  Check.  Queer nuclear weapons?  You bet.  Quoting from the Bulletin:

During this Pride Month we would like readers to understand that the visibility and meaningful participation of queer people matters for nuclear policy outcomes.

It doesn't, of course.  Unless you commies have different goals than the rest of us humans.  Wait...silly me: of course you do!

Equity and inclusion for queer people is not just a box-ticking exercise in social justice; it's also essential for creating effective nuclear policy.

I'm calling bullshit on this, cuz without reading another word I predict your "effective nuclear policy" is going to be nothing but "unilateral disarmament."  But do go on, snowflake.  And sure enough...

Queer theory shines a light on the harm done by nuclear weapons by uranium mining, nuclear testing and the money spent on those weapons ($60 billion a year in the U.S.).  That money could have been spent on education and welfare. The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security…

Stop right fucking there, comrade:  You  prattle endlessly about placing "the well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security."  But even you communists know damn well that without national security all your simplistic blather about "the rights and wellbeing of people" doesn't mean jack-shit.  Without national security you're a serf under a totalitarian regime.  Are we clear here?

Meanwhile China is quickly building up their nuclear arsenal to prepare for the war that biden’s weakness is making inevitable.

So yeah, just like I thought: Unilateral disarmament.  But WAIT!  That was just the first salvo of the long war by the communists to push the U.S. alone to disarm:  Now let's watch as they turn to the vital role of "postmodern gender theory" to nuclear deterrence:

Queer theory also identifies how the nuclear weapons discourse is gendered: Nuclear deterrence is associated with “rationality” and “security,” while disarmament and justice for nuclear weapon victims are coded as “emotion” and a lack of understanding of the “real” mechanics of security.

Yes, nuclear deterrence is associated with rationality and security.  For once you're right.  So now we can confidently predict that you want to discard rationality and security, right?  Yep.

The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, a 19-year protest against the storage of US nuclear missiles in the United Kingdom, called attention to the gendered nature of nuclear weapons. The camp’s inhabitants—many lesbian—recognized that the same male-dominated power structures underpinned the oppression of women and nuclear armament. Their protests, often involving feminine-coded symbols like pictures of children, defined nuclear weapons by the existential threat they pose, instead of the protection they supposedly offer.

Notice how neatly that was done: "Since we want you to disarm, we'll change the definitions: Hereafter we will define your icky nukes as "existential threats" instead of mutual deterrence."  Cool, eh?  And note the cunning mention that many of the residents of the protest camp are lesbian.  Sorry, doesn't impress me.  You could have said they were ten-year-old kids and I still wouldn't have found that even remotely persuasive.  Neither are rational or experienced.  End of discussion.

There won’t be any serious, rational people resisting if the Democrats control the presidency and both houses of congress again, and have ordered the U.S. to unilaterally scrap our nuclear weapons.  

And if queers and lesbian camp members  haven't convinced you that we need unilateral disarmament, they're about to list another threat from nuclear weapons:  White Supremacists!  Seriously:

Including a wider range of perspectives in nuclear decision-making creates a more comprehensive definition of who or what constitutes a “threat” to nuclear security. An example of this is the threat posed by some white supremacist groups with plans to acquire nuclear weapons or material.

Bet you didn't even know duh White Supremacists were bent on acquiring nukes, eh?  And why would the WS-ers want nukes, you ask?  Why, to target women and people of color, of course.  It's that new "AI" nuke that only kills women, LGBTs etc and POCs, eh?  And sure enough...

Individuals targeted by these kinds of groups—including women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community—who are more likely to identify these types of behaviors and attitudes as security risks and can play a crucial role in identifying a potential insider threat.

Oh yeah!  Duh gays and POCs and women are reeeally good at dreaming up threats around every corner.  "Hate hoaxes," anyone?

Wait, there's more:  Didja know just having nuclear weapons is making the imaginary climate crisis worse?  Ah, well, only making it worse by using up cash that could have been used to "address the climate crisis:"

The billions that nuclear-armed states spend on nuclear weapons every year could be used to address the climate crisis, which could kill up to [everyone on the planet] by 2100.>>

The last threat the wokiez are gonna trot out is...the failure of duh Patriarchy to promote queers and trannies fast enough!  Yeah, thought we'd get to that pretty soon!

Exclusion and unfair treatment of queer individuals [i.e., failure to promote them aggressively enough] and other minorities by a homogenous, cis-heteronormative community of practitioners … creates vulnerabilities in nuclear decision making.

That's called an "unsupported assertion," honey.  You claim "vulnerabilities in decision-making."  Nah.  Deterrence will save the whole fucking population, not just Whites.  But you pretend you don't believe that, which shows you're totally not to be taken seriously.  You're just throwing every nutty bullshit at the wall, hoping something will stick.

Cis-heteronormativity is the idea that being heterosexual and cisgender is normal and natural, whereas being queer or trans is a deviation.

Hey!  For the second time in the same day you moonbats were right:  Hetero and cis are normal, being queer or trans isn't.  So take a bow.

No one who takes woke bafflegab seriously should be allowed near sharp objects, let alone nuclear weapons or positions of power.  Yet all of the above horseshit is the dogma of your Democrat ruling class.  Democrats and their RINO allies DECREE U.S. policy on everything--including matters as serious as nuclear weapons.

When the rat-bastards bow to the queers and trannies at the Bulletin of Atomic Communists, and order the U.S. to unilaterally scrap all it's nuclear weapons, don't say you weren't warned.

Democrat: "Dat jus' impossible, deplorable!"

Yeah?  Five years ago would you have predicted the whole f'n U.S. armed forces would be forcing "preferred pronouns" and "DIE" on every service member?  Yeah, thought not.  You people are fundamentally unserious, and should never be allowed in any government position, ever.




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