March 04, 2023

"Top-tier" universities admitting unqualified minority students, rejecting far more gifted whites; Left claims it's a good thing

There's a very clever, amusing conservative blogger who writes under the pen name "Peachy Keenan."  She's definitely worth reading.

Recently she set off a fire-storm on the Net when she tweeted that a friend had told her that the friend's 18-year-old daughter, with extremely high SAT scores, 4.0 GPA and lots of extracurriculars, had been rejected by all the prestige universities she applied to.

The kicker was that some of her classmates with 2.5 GPAs and low SATs had been admitted to Harvard and Yale.

As you could have guessed, the Left went crazy--because according to leftists you're not allowed to say that.  

Ah, I see.  So are you leftist assholes saying this isn't true?

" (classic "Obama response" to being asked a question he wasn't briefed on) 'You not allowed to say dis' !"

Ah, I see.  So it IS true, but you sons of whores DEMAND that no one say it, because..."reasons," eh? noted above, the Left went crazy.

Many leftists claimed it simply wasn't true.  But since official statistics published by the virtue-signaling adminishits at EVERY top-tier university confirm that they're rejecting high-SAT, high-GPA white applicants while accepting low-SAT, low-GPA black and brown applicants, the Left had a *really* hard time refuting it.

The "elite" universities now openly--proudly--say race is the most important factor in deciding whether to admitted an applicant.  Oh wait...not ALL races: that statement does NOT apply to Asians.  

Wait, so race is NOT the most important factor.  Instead, belonging to specially-favored races is the key.

Ah, I see.  But you are ordered NOT to notice that, citizen.

See, the leftist pencil-neck virtue-signalers who totally run the universities don't NEED to be logically consistent, because they're smugly confident that you won't notice the contradiction!

And of course they're right, because the Lying Mainstream Media buries the contradiction.

But as some of you may have noticed, contradictions have a way of revealing themselves at the most amusing times.  And here's an example:

There's a totally racist black named Ibram X. Kendi (real name Henry Rogers).  Kendi/Rogers initially denied that universities were accepting low-qualified blacks over far better qualified whites.  But after the universities published stats showing that race was their most important consideration for admission (unless you were Asian, of course), Kendi/Rogers did a neat pivot and found a new outrage:  He tweeted that lots of white kids, seeing the stacked deck, had started claiming to be nonwhite on their college applications.

Dat beez awful, eh?

People then asked Kendi/Rogers the obvious question: If white applicants are indeed claiming to be minorities, didn't that contradict Kendi's earlier claim (made by all Leftists) that the education system wasn't favoring blacks and Hispanics over whites?

Kendi, appalled that he might have carelessly admitted the obvious, responded not by trying to logically support his contradiction, but by deleting the tweet.

For young readers: When someone deletes something they wrote, it means they can't support it.

The most important thing to wokie college presidents and assorted grifters is showing they're "woke"--signaling their virtue to other leftists and elites, so they'll be praised and featured on the covers of elite leftist magazines.  I doubt many of them believe that putting less-qualified people in their elite liberal castles is hurting this nation.

But do ya think any Harvard professor wants to fly in an airliner designed, built, and flown by “C” students?

Of course not.  They push their wokie policies to show their obedience to the Great Reset, because they see that as the winning side.

Loading what were once the top universities in the nation with unqualified students is unlikely to produce wonderful results.  For one thing, the same wokie bullshit virtue-signaling that lowered the standards for admitting black and brown students in the first place will pressure professors to reduce the difficulty of their courses so that less-than-stellar students pass.  

That is absolutely certain, and professors report (anonymously, of course) that it's already happening.

When the "elite" universities turn out graduates in, say, English literature or womens' studies or African studies, it will have no effect.  But poorly-educated virologists and doctors are a different matter altogether.

If DEI policies are allowed to continue, we end up with fewer competent, highly trained experts.  The logical end-point is a decline in expertise--eventually we start to look like South Africa or Venezuela.  And bizarrely, that’s what some people at the top seem to want: A small ruling class, untouched by any laws, presiding over a bunch of ill educated serfs.

Unfortunately, precisely because the elites are never held to account by the law--or by voting--then short of lots of firing squads, I see no way to blast them out of their lairs.


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