Black professor demands "bereavement leave" for black professors when a black person is killed anywhere
A "visiting assistant professor" of education at a university in Illinois has just called on universities to institute a policy of “Black bereavement leave.”
Angel Jones demands that when a black person is killed anywhere in the country, for any reason, all universities should give black professors time off "to cope."
Black professors would get time off ("coping time") even if they didn't know the deceased person.
Jones writes
“We need space and time to grieve without having to explain or defend it. And since the grief process, like the Black community, is not a monolith, flexibility is required.
Note the passive voice, because it's so much nicer than saying "You are ordered to be flexible!"
Some may need a day off while others may just need to be able to work from home. Some may need a small extension on a deadline while others may need to have something removed from their plate completely.”
Translation: A member of my tribe was killed somewhere, so I should be given time off and not required to work to any deadlines. Cuz, reasons.
She bleats that "bereavement leave" "will show real commitment to racial justice."
Did you pick up on the subtext there? Sure: "If you don't give me what I demand, it means you don't really care about "racial justice," meaning you're a raaaaaacist!"
She bleats that “History has shown that Black educators often have to exert additional emotional energy to pick up the slack the academy leaves behind after it sends its obligatory, and often performative, statement to the campus community.”
If you intended that word-salad to make sense, it didn't.
She insists that “anti-Blackness is intentional” so it requires actions like black bereavement leave. See, dat only fair!
I served with blacks in the armed forces. I've got no problem with the men I served with. By huge contrast, I do have a problem with you, because you're a "snowflake"-- someone who wants special privileges... because, reasons.
Pardon my bluntness, but fuck you, snowflake.
She whines "Where is the acknowledgment of our pain? Where are our counselling services? Where is our grace for missed meetings and deadlines while we mourn? Yes, we have jobs to do and students to support, BUT (you knew there was a "but") we also have trauma to process.”
Y'know, Angel, you're beginning to convince me: I think all white people should get special time off, and extended deadlines, whenever some black kills an innocent white person 2000 miles away from where I live--which happens literally ever fucking DAY in shithole Dem cities. "Equal protection under the law," eh?
Oh wait...dat not whut you want. You want special privieges. You always want special privileges.
Wokie university adminishits have increasingly salivated over the idea of special programs and benefits for minority snowflakes. Thus we now have “affinity housing” (no whites allowed in special dorms) and "safe spaces for minority students," and no court has uttered a word of criticism--I guess cuz duh "judges" have DECREED that minorities deserve special treatment. Cuz slavery!
Yeh, dat it.
Sorry, not convinced. For Americans with short memories: for eight years this nation had a black president. To rational people that should prove beyond doubt that the system is no longer biased against blacks.
Of course "wokie" university adminishits will salivate over "black bereavement leave" because supporting it shows how virtuous they are. And once one uni does it, the rest will quickly follow suit. And Angel Jones will be paid $50,000 per speech by duh wokiez, just like Robin DeAngelo and raace-baiter Henry Rogers scuse me: "Ibram X. Kendi."
Law professor Jonathan Turley wrote a column on this, implying that it would never be adopted because it would violate the Constitution's equal-protection clause. This is amusing, since whenever a Democrat policy explicitly favoring blacks has been challenged in court, the race-baiters and wokies simply re-write the law or policy so the criteria are no longer *explicitly* race-based, but are based on something like household income. Voila.
SO...come back here in three years and see how things have turned out.
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