A refresher on Biden corruption, by his own admission, caught on video six years ago. Cuz you never saw it
Porridgebrain is a perfect representative of the Democrat party. Example: Back when he was vice-president, Porridge learned that an honest investigator in the Ukrainian government--its attorney-general--were investigating the gas company that had given Porridgebrain's worthless crack-addict son Hunter a million-dollar-a-year no-work seat on the company board.
(We have the bank wire transfers to Hunter for the *very* odd sum of $83,333.33 per MONTH. I think it's obvious that this is a VERY unusual figure--down to the penny!--for a monthly salary. But try multiplying that number by 12. What did you get? Yeah.)
Porridge was then sent to Ukraine on a totally unrelated mission: He was sent to join the president of that nation in announcing a BILLION-dollar loan (or loan guarantee by the U.S.) to that nation. But just before Porridge and the president of Ukraine were to go on-stage before an audience to announce the loan, biden said that if the Ukrainian president didn't fire the attorney-general, the U.S. wouldn't guarantee the loan.
Then he laughs--which is REALLY creepy--and says "And son of a bitch, they fired him."
Naturally you don't believe that--especially if you're a young American--because the utter corruption is SO open and obvious. (Imagine how the Mainstream Media would have screamed if Trump had done this!) But if you don't believe it, click on the link above and SEE FOR YOURSELF. And listen to the laughter from the "elite" Democrat audience when Porridgebrain reaches the punchline.
This should open your eyes--and should sicken you to your core. And it was known in 2017. But of course you never heard about it, or saw this clip, eh? Cuz the Lying Mainstream Media didn't want you to know about it. (And yeah, C-SPAN recorded it, but how many people watch C-SPAN?)
Corrupt, from top to bottom. Entire family. Well known. Democrat party nominated him anyway, and then used massive vote fraud in six "battleground states" to install him as the "winner."
But never fear: by voting in elections you can change things. Really. Trust us. Your vote counts. Really.
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