January 11, 2023

2 months before midterms, biden say: "Pandemic is OVER!" Today his HHS Sec extends emergency

Hey, remember back last September--by total coincidence just two months before the crucial mid-term elections--when biden told a friendly interviewer on "60 Minutes" 'The pandemic is over"?

Wow, faaaabulous !  Thanks, Joe!

"We still have a problem with Covid--still doing a lot of work on it," said Porridgebrain.  "But the pandemic is over.  If you notice, no one's wearing masks.  Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it's changing."

All Americans welcomed that faaabulous declaration--again, made just in time for the mid-terms, which saw the Democrats do far, far better than the polls had suggested.  Gee, that was...convenient timing, eh?

But of course that was then.  And no one noticed that the "Emergency Decree" wasn't actually cancelled.  But surely that was just an oversight, eh?

Nah, it wasn't: Yesterday--quietly, by handing out a written statement, so reporters wouldn't be able to ask questions--biden's Secretary of "Health" wrote that he was extending the emergency DECREE for yet another 90 days--with further extensions possible.

Sources told Politico that Wednesday's renewal might be the last, with the emergency order maybe--possibly, potentially--being cancelled this spring.  But then the source quickly created the weasel-clause common to all regime decrees:  "Short-term extensions cannot be ruled out.  It all depends on...well, you know."

Absolutely classic con-job: "Duh plandemic...uh, pandemic--beez OVAH!  Becuz of my brilliant leadership in ordering companies to fire any employee who refused to take the marvelous vaccine--which, by the way, was absolutely DANGEROUS when Trump was president, but which my administration totally redesigned and perfected so it was safe...and effective...and my decision to order every member of our Armed Forces to take it, and to discharge any member who wouldn't--I can assure you that the plan...pandremig...pandemic is OVER!  So you can rejoice and thank me by voting Democrat in the upcoming elections."

And then just 9 weeks later..."Duh emergency will continue for another 13 weeks!"

Absolutely classic.  And not a SINGLE Mainstream Media outlet will mention this classic con.

Classic.  All my Democrat friends are patting themselves on the back for being so clever as to elect such a TOTALLY honest, upstanding ruler.  Yep yep yep.


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