December 17, 2022

San Fran facing projected budget shortfall. Reporter: "Why not cut needless spending?" Hilarity ensues

The people who "run" San Francisco say they're facing a modest, predicted "budget shortfall" over the next two years:  $728 million or so.

Fortunately San Francisco is run by really Smart People--folks who have a keen sense of what's important, how to prioritize, and most important: how to say Inspiring Things that impress their subjects with their intelligence and leadership.

Consider, for example, the city's female mayor, London Breed.  Last week her office issued a Statement summarizing the problem clearly and concisely, and describing the key elements of her Plan to cover the projected deficit.  The Statement said

>>'We know the challenges facing San Francisco are significant, and we have a lot of work ahead of us to maintain the city's recovery efforts.  As we work to close this deficit, it will require tough choices and real tradeoffs.

Wow.  Sounds like she went through the same Democrat pol school as that inspiring speaker Kamala Harris, eh?  Clear.  Insightful.  Inspiring!

But after a spokesperson (gender and pronouns unknown to your humble servant) read the statement to the crowd of eagerly-waiting journalists, one reporter--apparently male, though it would be a crime to assume anyone's gender, eh?--asked "Why not reduce spending?"

There was an audible gasp from the crowd of eager journalists.  The spokesperson was clearly surprised by the question.

"Sorry, who are you and what Media organization are you employed by?"

"Your city government only spends money on things that are *absolutely necessary.*  So to ask why we don't just reduce spending insults your mayor and all city workers.  You wouldn't want to be accused of being anti-government, right?  Because we have ways of dealing with people like that."

Anti-government "reporter":  "Of course not, but I just thought perhaps the city could eliminate a couple of things that seem like they're not *quite* as vital as some other stuff.  Like the pilot program to give a thousand  trans people a thousand bucks a month for..."

Spokesperson: "SO, you admit you're TRANS-PHOBIC!  Ugh, that's such an awful concept I can barely say the word!"

Trans-phobic "reporter":  "I'm not trans-phobic, I just think rather than laying off key city workers or reducing trash pickup we might stop some giveaways..."

Spokesperson: "These payments are as *totally and completely essential as everything else your city government does!  You don't want to starve innocent little kids, do you?  Because we have jails full of angry people claiming to be male who would love to get their hands on anyone who would starve a child!  Or at least we *had* jails full of such people until we let 'em all go.  But I'm sure they're still reachable."

Child-abusing "reporter": "No one would starve, cuz they're all already getting welfare and food stamps and WIC payments.  But how about ending the city's giving away six million syringes every year?  Is that really necessary?"

Spokesperson: "The federal DHS now considers giving IV drug users syringes to be "medical care."  And now you want to deprive these suffering people of vital medical care?  You're heartless, cruel!"  [Crowd growls threateningly.]

Reporter who just threatened to withhold lifesaving medical care from recreational substance users:  "Sorry, I didn't realize Washington now considered giving IV drug users syringes was 'medical care.'  Okay, how about the city paying San Francisco General a million bucks a month to help advertise 'gender-affirming care' for teenagers?"

Spokesperson: "There you go with transphobia again!  You know we have laws against saying anthing negative about transgender people. You should go to jail for what you just said!"

Transphobic, cis-gender reporter: "I didn't say anything against trans people, just that some taxpayers don't think the city should be paying to help the hospital advertise for those operations, that's all."

Spokesperson: "Can we get someone from Security in here, right away?  We have a domestic violent extremist here making a LOT of journalists very uncomfortable."


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