December 15, 2022

Why young Americans have no way to know when they're being lied to by the FBI, DOJ and Mainstream Media

By an accident of fortune I've had the free time to follow American politics and related events closely for about 40 years.  And I regret to report that events in the U.S. seem to be spiraling downward faster than ever before.

Bad things are happening so fast that I don't have enough time to tell you even a fraction of 'em.  These events are clear, unmistakeable signals that barring a miracle, the America we grew up with is likely finished.

Of course if you're a communist or socialist or BLM revolutionary or Democrat "activist" or militant feminist or tranny, or a "reporter" for the Mainstream Media, you're delighted.  The rest of us aren't.

Now, if I didn't think there was a chance to recover, I wouldn't post any of this, cuz there's no point in upsetting people if there's no hope of changing the outcome, eh?  (Think "giant asteroid to collide with Earth in two months.")  So I think there's a small chance we can recover--but every day that passes without launching strong, effective corrective action reduces the chance of saving America as you've known it.

If you're a hard-working American--especially if you're raising a family--you don't have the time to look for the signs noted above.  Moreover, the Mainstream Media aggressively suppress all such stories, because they would reflect badly on the ruling Democrats and their regime and would cost the Dems votes (although they now know they can stuff ballot boxes at will, and no court will intervene).

Another factor that helps the Left/Dems is that college-age Americans have no idea of anything that happened over four years ago, because at 14 or 15 kids understandably aren't interested in current events or politics.  Of course they could search the internet, but how would they know what to search for?

Still another factor helping the Democrats/Left is that unless you're a political junkie, the average adult has only a hazy memory of any political event that happened over two years earlier.

So in the next five minutes I'm going to show you a few events from a few years ago that conservatives realized had grave implications, but that the Mainstream Media sneeringly dismissed as fake newz.  But we've now gotten confirmation that everything we claimed was true was, in fact, true.  And all those events show the utter, brazen corruption of the FBI and DOJ, and the Lying Mainstream Media.

At this point most Americans quietly wonder how that's relevant.  It's because it means you can't trust a single thing they tell you.  Or anything the Mainstream Media tells you the FBI or DOJ said.  

In other words, virtually every bit of "official" information told to you by the government or the Mainstream Media is almost certainly false, at least in part.  

This is crucial because no matter how smart you are, if the info you get is false it makes it almost impossible to realize what's actually happening.

So here we go:  Every American has heard of Jeffrey Epstein:  bizarre creature who owned his own island and a private jet, eh?  You may vaguely recall that a few young women claimed Epstein flew them to the island to do something related to sex.  And later, while Epstein was in jail in NYC, he reportedly committed suicide.  Any of that coming back?

If you have a really good memory you may recall how the Mainstream Media told you he killed himself, eh?  Recall anything about that?

They told you he hanged himself from his bunk, using sheets.

Now, a few of you may know a bit more, but for most Americans that's pretty much all they recall.  And fair enough: most of you were spending every minute working to keep your families fed and make the house-payment or rent, and raising your kids.  The Epstein story had no more revelance to your lives than Meghan Markle (or whatever the hell her name is).

Okay, now think back:  EVERY Mainstream Media outlet, including every TV network, told you Epstein committed suicide.  You believed that without a second thought, not based on any actual facts, but because the FBI and DOJ and every Media outlet told you it was true.

But consider this: the guy had a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars.  His case hadn't even gone to trial, and chances were good that *at worst* he would only be convicted of something like "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" or similar.  Such charges didn't carry a long sentence, and since Epstein didn't have a significant criminal record, and had very good attorneys, chances were he wouldn't have spent more than six months in jail, tops.

So why would a man with hundreds of millions in assets, facing very little jail time, kill himself, eh?

It never occurred to you to even wonder about that--because the Media *implied*--though carefully never explicitly stated--that he was facing decades in prison.  And if that had been true, that might be a plausible reason to kill himself, eh?  But Media stories about criminals always add the possible sentences together, to make the story more grabby.

Point is that all it takes to get busy people to believe a Narrative is that it has to be superficially plausible.  Your brain rationalizes the rest.  The folks whose job it is to craft Narratives know that not one American in a million has the time to examine the actual facts and find the holes in the Narrative, so they can craft whatever tale they want.  Just has to have enough claims to make it superficially plausible.

So consider this:  At least two surveillance cameras in the hallway outside Epstein's jail cell in the Manhattan Correctional Facility reportedly failed just hours before he supposedly killed himself.  Just coincidence.  Other prisoners in nearby cells reported hearing screams coming from the direction of Epstein's cell--not consistent with suicide.  But you can ignore that because prisoners make stuff up, right?

But now things take a turn: because there were so many red flags around the "alleged" suicide, the DOJ decided that NOT allowing an autopsy would look even more suspicious.  (Normally conspirators who want to prevent inconvenient forensic findings quickly cremate the body.)

Unexpectedly, Epstein's brother very quickly hired a top "forensic pathologist" (Dr. Michael Baden) to represent the estate at the autopsy.  Baden reported a long list of wounds on the body consistent with an extensive fight.  But even more definitive, he found a long but very narrow incision all around the front of Epstein's neck.

Wait...I thought the Narrative said Epstein hanged himself with a bedsheet or prison uniform--neither of which would produce a thin incision.  But such an incision would be consistent with a *thin wire.*

Epstein didn't kill himself.

At this point most people just shrug: "Hey, bad people are murdered in jail all the time."  And that's true.  Thus, even if the "suicide" claim is shown to be bullshit, Americans rationalize that "people are killed in jail all the time," eh?  So again, even if he didn't kill himself, so what?  He could have angered a cellmate.  Sure.  Plausible.

But do you apply enough tension to the ends of a thin wire to strangle someone?  The wire is likely just a few thousandths of an inch in diameter, and no one is strong enough to grip the ends of such a thin wire tightly enough to apply the necessary force.

But a wire with loops in each ends would work fine.  But that implies pre-positioning of the weapon.  Which means...planning and help from higher up the food chain.

Lots of people had a reason to want Epstein dead, but instead of trying to solve that question, ask this:  why would the DOJ and FBI want to cover up a murder?

Bingo.  If they weren't culpable, they would have done an honest investigation, and not lied about it.  They violated both.  Q.E.D.

Epstein was killed on August 9th, 2019, meaning today's 20-year-olds would have been 17 then.  They have no way of knowing what happened, thus no reason to suspect the FBI and DOJ lie to Americans.

Seth Rich

Seth Rich was a 27-year-old I-T specialist at the Democrat National Committee.  On July 10, 2016, as Rich walking home from a DC bar at 4:30 a.m he was shot twice in the back.

Thanks to shot-detecting microphones, cops arrived in a few minutes--and reported Rich was still alive and conscious.  He died hours later.

The notoriously corrupt DC police told "journalists" the shooting was "a robbery gone bad."  Plausible, eh?  But a few skeptics noted that the killers didn't bother taking his wallet, gold Rolex watch, a gold chain or his phone.  Since the shooters had already rendered him unable to resist, taking those things would have taken less than a minute.  So if you knew those details (which you never knew) the initially-plausible Narrative that the murder was just "a robbery gone bad" would now be seen do you say it in English?  Oh yeah: horseshit.

Or in more sophisticated terms, a "Narrative."

Things quickly got more unusual: Four days later FBI agents arrived at the victim's apartment, searched it and seized his personal laptop.  They didn't present a search warrant, and had no legitimate reason to seize his personal property, since he wasn't suspected of having shot himself.

The FBI didn't deny seizing the laptop, but would later deny they had possession of it (sound familiar?), claiming they'd given it to DC metro cops as "evidence."  This seems odd since the laptop wouldn't have had any info on the shooting.  So "evidence" of what?  DC police said they'd never gotten it.  Someone would later be shown to be lying.  And you never heard a word of any of that, cuz..."trivial details, of no interest to anyone."   Yep yep yep.  The Media won't publish anything that weakens The Narrative.

At the hospital where the still-conscious Rich was taken, a medical staff member who treated Rich when he was brought in reported that the trauma team had tied off all bleeding and closed up, deciding to wait until he was stabilized to finish what the staffer described as routine work.

But when the staff member returned later that day he found Rich's ICU room packed with FBI and other agents, and he wasn't allowed in.  Rich was apparently already dead.  The staffer was stunned because from his work on Rich's wounds hours earlier he felt his medical condition wasn't life-threatening.

Now, almost six-and-a-half years later, we find that despite the FBI's denials that it had Rich's laptop, the FBI actually does have the laptop.  Hmmm...does that sound familiar?  Oh yeah: The FBI also denied having Hunter Biden's laptop, until finally admitting (though only through FOIA documents) that it did.

Now the Epoch Times reports that the FBI *also* has a report describing "forensic imaging" of what’s described as Rich’s work computer at the DNC.

Now why do you suppose the FBI would be interested in both the personal and work laptops of a low-level DNC staffer?

Well...On the evening of July 5, 2016--just four months before the presidential election between Hilliary and Trump--1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server, in 87 seconds.  The download included 30,000 emails between the de-facto head of the DNC and Hilliary campaign manager John Podesta.

For the math-unable, that download rate was 22.7 megabytes per second. And in mid-2016 no internet service provider could download data at this speed.  But such a rate is consistent with a download to a USB-2 thumb drive.  Of course that would require whoever was downloading the data to be AT the server at the DNC.

You never heard a word about that, because the Media never reported it. 

The significance of the download speed is that it utterly demolishes the Narrative--relentlessly pushed by the DNC and Hilliary and every single Mainstream Media outlet--that "Russia hacked our server!"  (Which went hand-in-hand with "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election," eh?)

Just 17 days later Wikileaks began publishing the DNC emails on the internet.  They showed that the DNC rigged the primaries to make Hilliary the Democrat nominee, stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders.  Had this been widely known before the election (which it wasn't), it would be reasonable to expect millions of Sanders supporters--knowing their candidate had been cheated by Hilliary's team at the DNC--to refuse to vote for Hilliary...meaning the leaked emails could have cost her the election.

So one obvious theory is that the head of I-T at the DNC (who wasn't Seth Rich) discovered the download by looking at the server's logfile.  As I understand it, system admins routinely do this every morning to see if anything unusual happened to their system overnight.

According to this theory the head of I-T would have realized that the downloader would have to have been an insider, in order to have the necessary passwords and admin permissions.  That would narrow it down to perhaps two people, one being Seth Rich.

If so, then if Rich hadn't had time to get the data to someone else, someone high up the DNC food chain--realizing publication could cost Dems the presidency--could have ordered Rich killed to prevent the incriminating emails from being published.

But there's an obvious problem with this theory: the download happened on July 5.  Rich was shot on the morning of July 10th.  The short time window makes this theory unlikely.

In any case, just 12 days after Rich was killed, Wikileaks began publishing the trove of emails from the DNC email server.  Wikileaks founder Julian Assange denied getting the emails from the Russians, but merely deflected when asked if the source was Seth Rich.  Assange replied "We don't name our sources."

And as the handful of American political junkies read the emails, a few noticed that every one was either to or from Hilliary campaign manager John Podesta, or was one he'd been CC'd on.

Why is this significant?  Because if Wiki had gotten 1.9 gigabytes from the mysterious download of July 5th, that would be hundreds of times more data than even 20,000 emails to and from Podesta would contain.  This suggests that the July 5 download was NOT the source of the emails published by Wikileaks, since if Wikileaks had had many more emails not involving Podesta, statistically they would eventually have published a few.  But they didn't.

To see the Deep State at work, read the Wiki article on Rich's murder: It reads like a 4th-grader's "the dog ate my homework" excuse.  It's full of unsupported assertions and lies.  "X never happened."  Really?  What's your source for that?  (crickets)

Example of flat-out lies: the Wiki authors write "Conspiracy theories falsely claimed that the FBI was investigating the case; in fact, the DC's MPD investigated the murder, and the FBI was not involved."

Except now, six years later, we finally learn that the FBI was involved.  And not just "involved," but that FBI agents seized Rich's private laptop from his apartment, without a warrant, and with no *legitimate* reason to seize it.  And that the FBI later lied when they denied they had it, claiming they'd handed it over to the DC cops.  

To belabor the obvious: You don't do something like that if you're innocent.

But gets better: The corrupt FBI is now taking obstructionism to a new level.  After learning that the FBI indeed had Rich's personal laptop (which the FBI had previously denied having), an American citizen filed a FOIA request calling for the FBI to release its contents.  FBI "records boss" Michael Seidel refused, claiming the laptop is exempt from FOIA requests because it is NOT a "record" but merely a physical object."

The sheer, outrageous brazenness is breathtaking.  It's like "Slick Willy" Clinton denying he'd had any sex with Monica Lewinsky because "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."  (For young Americans, Lewinsky had given Slick Willy oral sex, and had the DNA on her dress to prove it.  Clinton denied this was "sexual relations.")

The FBI arrested Peter Navarro (charge?), deliberately entrapped General Michael Flynn, seized the phone of Trump supporter Mike Lindell, ransacked Trump’s Florida residence--all of which (and more) show that the FBI has become the Gestapo of the Biden regime--a bunch of armed thugs rousting anyone under whatever pretext they like.  Think an organization that corrupt will tell Americans the truth about anything?

Okay, one last thing:  Back in March of 2016 John Podesta received the following email:

Understandably worried, Podesta emailed the head of IT for the DNC asking what he should do.  But that person was away from his office so didn't get the email.  So after a couple of hours with no reply, Podesta--believing his email was at risk--clicked on the link--to a site that anyone with an IQ over room temperature would have seen was NOT Google.  As you expected, the link pulled up a "Reset your password" screen.

And what's the first thing sites do when someone wants to re-set their password?  Sure: "Enter your password."  And of course Podesta--being really smart and sophisticated an' all--did.

Obviously having Podesta's password would have given the remote scammer access to any email in Podesta's account--but not to any other emails.  This is consistent with the fact that every email published on-line by Wikileaks was to or from Podesta.  

In which case a dumb mistake by the de-facto head of the DNC, and the campaign manager for person the NY Times called "the world's smartest woman"--may have cost Hilliary the election.

If so, Nice work, John.


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