December 14, 2022

Purported "scientific study" claims unvaxxed have higher risk of traffic accidents!

A study just published in an American medical journal examined government records of more than 11 million Canadian adults.

The authors claim to have found that unvaccinated people were a staggering 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash than the vaccinated.

That's a huge differential--so large that one expects some heretofore unrecognized factor.  Or fraud.

The study's authors speculate that people who refuse to take the jab might also ignore road safety--and there's the tool they wanted..

The authors speculate that the connection is that people who decline the jab distrust the government, dislike government regulation, have this silly belief in freedom, don't understand risks, have a superstitious “faith in natural protection,” and are prone to believe misinformation.

The authors then get even nuttier, citing "poverty" and "a lack of resources" (not getting either connection there), and, vaguely, "personal beliefs."

The authors say the claimed difference in accident rates is so significant that primary care doctors should consider counseling unvaccinated patients on traffic safety—and (and here's the bomb) they suggest insurance companies might consider increase auto insurance rates for the unvaccinated.

If the intent of these scientific fraudsters isn't clear yet, they also wail that "first responders may also consider taking precautions to protect themselves from COVID when responding to traffic crashes, as it’s more likely that a driver is unvaccinated."  This just shows the fraud, since they claim there are about six times more jabbed drivers than unjabbed, so since by their own garbage numbers the unjabbed are just "72% more likely to be involved in a serious accident," it means in most accidents both drivers are "vaccinated."  (Or at least "jabbed," since it isn't a real vaccine.")

Of course one way to protect first responders would be for the cops to take the jab, cuz Science said if you did that you wouldn't get the Chyna virus, right?  Oh wait, that turned out to do you say it in English?  Oh yeah: "horse shit."

Significantly, Canadian researchers tried this same horseshit with folks who declined to take a jab for an earlier virus, looking for a link between bad drivers and vaccination status.  A study in yet another medical journal reportedly found a correlation between self-reported risky driving and people who "skipped their flu vaccine."

Note how subtlely the authors of that study slipped in that key modifier "their," implying that taking the flu shot had somehow morphed into a duty.

The comments are a hoot:
  "Junk science."
  "wow, Pfizer must be real hungry for money"
  "How were the authors allowed to view encrypted government files to find vax status?  And does anyone believe the government would have given them permission without their promise that the findings would support the notion of making the jab mandatory?"
  "Tony Fauci, is that you?"
  "Since almost everyone in Canada is jabbed (so almost all accidents would only have one unjabbed driver), what evidence did they use to find which driver was at fault?"
  "Propaganda masquerading as scientific research."
  "Next they'll be claiming unvaccinated people are to blame for Global Warming.  

But hey, citizen, you're not a Science Denier, are ya?  Naw, cuz if you were we'd have to deny you medical care and take away your carbon allowance.


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