Video shows Russian troops in Ukraine are *woefully* equipped. That's a sign of corruption in Russia, and...
Wars are always accompanied by propaganda, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been filled with it, from both sides. And from the Lying Mainstream media.
Now you'd think that if the folks who made the vid were trying to wring another $50 BILLION from the biden regime they'd have pointed out how well-equipped and well-supplied the Russian troops were. But they did the opposite: They conclude that the Russian army seems to be using woefully inferior equipment.
They also conclude that this is a result of "systemic lying" that seems to be endemic in every communist system. Specifically, the Russian government--like ours--appropriates huge amounts of money to keep their troops in top fighting condition. But somehow the huge sums just aren't translating into top-notch supplies in the field.
Answer seems to be corruption. In crappy, unethical societies everyone feels they're overworked and underpaid, so they feel justified in skimming money from the orders. When enough people do that, the troops end up with boots made in 1940, and rations with expiration date of seven years ago.
So as I'm watching the vid, I'm thinking "This precisely describes every damn snowflake in California. People who work for Google or Fakebook or Twatter and do nothing useful, are paid $180,000 a year and whine about being overworked!"
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