Leftist prof bleats that Americans just need "declare a Covid amnesty"
A few days go I wrote about the Lying Sons of Bitches--Fauci, Walensky, the entire FDA and CDC and the Media--who are now trying to re-write history about all the blatant, brazen lies they pushed about duh Chyna virus.
"NOooo, we nevuh said duh jab would keep you from gettin' covid! An' we nevuh said it would keep you from transmitting it to your precious, innocent kids, or your beloved parents or grandmother! NEV-ER!"You need to understand something really crucial: The only reason people try to "revise" the historical record is if they KNOW they've either done something terribly wrong or made terribly dumb decisions. So they want to scrub the historical record to escape the anger of the people their errors or woefully dumb decisions injured or killed.
"See, we're real *sciency people*! We went to elite schools and have impressive titles, so you believed everything we said. Of course we never said the things noted above, but somehow a few "journalists" misunderstood the complex *sciency things* we DID say. Maybe we should have corrected them, but we didn't because we didn't notice--cuz we're really busy doing Sciencey things! Yeh, dat's it."
Some of those trying to re-write history probably fear being beaten to death by an angry mob when enough Americans learn the truth--as is slowly happening. And in some cases I think that's justifiable.
So trying to change the historical record shows that the "experts" fear that a big chunk of the public is about to realize how brazenly those "experts" have conned most Americans.
Two days ago we saw the opening of a "second front" of the effort to demand that Americans "forgive and forget" the lies and the deadly vax con: Emily Oster, writing for one of the most well-funded Left-wing mags in the country (the Atlantic), floated a FAAABULOUS idea, titled "Let's declare a Pandemic Amnesty!'
Sub-head: "We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID."
Take another look at that sub-head: Emily says "*We* need to "forgive one another" "for what *we* did and said" "when *we* were in the dark about Covid."
No, bitch, "We" don't need to forgive "you" and your army of communist, dictatorial, lying rat-bastards at all. You and your party need to get on your knees and beg OUR forgiveness. All of you need to resign and spend the rest of your lives apologizing to people whose loved ones were killed by your lies and/or incompetence.
"We" were not "in the dark about Covid," lying bitch. You and your lying rat-bastard army claim you were, but Fauci and Wallensky knew the truth, along with thousands of the rest of their army of obedient lackeys. "We" tried to warn Americans, but your army (including the Regime) told your toady allies at Fakebook and Twatter to delete every post that told the truth, and to ban accounts of those posters.
If Emily had been alive at the end of WW2 one imagines her writing "What we need is a 'Nazi Amnesty,' because for whatever reason (it's a mystery!) the Nazis just “got it wrong” in deciding to kill 6 million Jews and another 2 million prisoners. It wasn't anyone's fault.
"So gloating by the Allies will just make Nazis and Italian fascists and Japanese feel defensive, which won’t help the situation.
"We should NOT have Nuremberg trials, but instead 'we need' to forgive the Nazi (FBI) agents for sending innocent people to the death camps. We should grant amnesty to the Auschwitz executioners, because they were just doing their job. If anyone was harmed, it was just due to 'lack of knowledge when we were all in the dark about right and wrong.'
"It was all due to lack of knowledge. Mistakes were made, eh?
"Can’t we all just get along?"
Gosh, that sounds so...enlightened. So...revisionist.
We should note here that Emily isn't just some dummy. She's actually...wait for it...a professor of...economics...at ultra-liberal Brown university--and is actually teaching a course on...wait for it...Covid.
Isn't that faaabulous? Wonder how much disinformation about covid her liberal students--future Democrats, all--will eagerly gobble up?
So with a sub-head like "We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about Covid," you'd think Emily might admit that the so-called experts--and the Regime members they served--were wrong about everything. And she does start a paragraph that suggests that. But turns out she's actually taking a swipe at Trump for something Trump never said--but the Mainstream Media *reported* he said it. Here's Emily:
"Obviously some people *intended to mislead* and *made wildly irresponsible claims.* Remember when the public-health community had to spend a lot of time and resources urging Americans not to inject themselves with bleach? That was bad. Misinformation was, and remains, a huge problem. But most errors were made by people who were working in earnest for the good of society."
Note how cunningly Emily phrases her claim: She doesn't directly accuse Trump of saying people should inject bleach (because she knows he didn't say any such thing), but instead says "Remember when the public-health community had to spend a lot of time and resources urging Americans not to inject themselves with bleach? That was bad."
And since damn near EVERY mainstream media outlet printed or broadcast that Trump DID say people should "inject bleach," this is a mission-accomplished point for the bad guys--Team Fauci and his millions of fawning supporters in the Dem party.
Here's the leftist website Politifact reviewing the record:
The briefing transcript shows that Trump did NOT say people should inject themselves with bleach or alcohol to treat the coronavirus. He was asking officials on the White House coronavirus task force whether [those chemicals] could be used in potential cures.
The president first posed the question April 23 after [a govt employee noted that] a study found sunlight and cleaning agents like bleach [kill] the coronavirus. Trump asked whether the chemicals could be used to potentially treat COVID-19 treatment.
Some websites and social media users took that question to mean the president was recommending people inject themselves with bleach or isopropyl alcohol, an ingredient in hand sanitizer.
Emily writes that people who "got things right, for whatever reason" about the virus and treating covid, "may want to gloat." And that those who were wrong--"for whatever reason"--"may feel defensive." Gosh, if their error was due to simple stupidity, why would they feel defensive, eh?
Emily goes on to claim "All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive."
Oh my stars! "Heated discussions," you say! Well we certainly can't have "unpleasant" or "heated" discussions about people who tried to kill us, eh? And DID kill roughly 80,000 elderly nursing-home residents by ORDERING those facilities to admit covid-positive people.
I mean, holding the rulers to account for lethal ORDERS that killed tens of thousands of our parents and grandparents is just totally uncivil, right?
By contrast, if a conservative disagrees with the regime, the Democrat Army demands that he or she must be fired, have their Twatter account closed, and be denied hospital care if they fall ill.
To the Dems that was the obvious solution.
(biden's hand-picked head of the "civil rights division" of Merrick Garland's "Department of Injustice"--Kristen Clarke-- actually Twatted that anyone who disagreed with the regime should be denied medical care. Seriously.
(Oh wait, you can't believe that, cuz you naively believe that if it had happened, every Media outlet would have screamed bloody murder. Since they didn't, you believe it can't have happened, eh? Fortunately Twatter has preserved the raaacist bitch's *verified* Twatter account.)
(And even after you've seen it, Democrats STILL believe it's fake news! The power of psychotic denial is astonishing, eh?)
So Emily says we need to just forget all the attacks on those who knew the truth,
--and the firing of those who refused to take the jab when ORDERED by the biden regime;
--and those who were fined a thousand dollars for appearing in public without a mask;
--and the parents who were handcuffed by the Gestapo and dragged off to jail in front of their kids from going to a park to play during the ORDERED lockdown.
All those things happened, but Emily demands that those who suffered just let it all go and forgive, citizen.
She attempts to sound reasonable by throwing in "We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation..." implying that she believes perhaps one or two "willful" liars shouldn't be forgiven--but never names any such persons.
We all know who lied--deliberately, cunningly: Fauci. He lied about the effectiveness of masks, and in falsely claiming the vaccine was "safe and effective" when he knew it was neither. Worst of all, he was the impetus behind the lockdowns and biden's DECREE that every American who worked for a company with 100 or more employees had to take the jab or be fired.
So...To Emily and the rest of the Democrats who ORDERED that Americans not be allowed to comfort their dying parents in the hospital, and *gloated* when people were fired for refusing to take the ineffective jab, and weren't allowed to go to a restaurant without proof of jab: Go to hell.
Your entire article demands that we forgive, yet you never actually apologize for killing Americans. Instead you bleat the equivalent of "mistakes were made." But in most cases what you imply were "mistakes" were taken knowingly, deliberately, to accomplish 3 things: to destroy the booming Trump economy; to allow all-mail voting in as many key states as possible, to make fraud easier; and to make billions of dollars for Big Pharma by ORDERING everyone to take the jab--which Fauci KNEW didn't prevent people from getting Covid or transmitting it, and thus did NOT meet the legal test to be given the Emergency Use Authorization that sent those billions to Pfizer and Moderna.
You want forgiveness for your Party, Emily? You bet. Right after groveling apologies, trials and multi-year prison sentences. Not a moment before.
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