November 01, 2022

Now that Twatter can't ban us for asking questions: Why are gruberment "health experts" ignoring SADS?

It's been just THREE DAYS since Musk yanked Twatter away from the Left's iron hand, and already we're seeing a huge improvement!  Specifically, under the Iron Hand of Twatter's Democrat/Leftist rulers, if you tried to tweet warnings about a bizarre new thing called "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" you got banned.

But now you can tweet about "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome"--whatever that is--without being banned.  That's a huge win.

Let's go back a bit: SURELY all well-informed Americans know all about this "syndrome," right?


So without reading further, explain "SADS" to your boyfriend or spouse or kids.  Go ahead, I'll wait.

So what did you tell 'em about "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome"?

Democrat 1:  "It's fake newz.  Whatever you call this, it doesn't exist.  It's a scare-story being spread by Rethuglicans who for some reason hate the nation's most brilliant scientist, Dr. Fauci."

Democrat 2:  "Dis bees right-wing conspiracy.  Not real."

Democrat 3:  "Dis a rumor beein' spread by pipo mad dat biden made 'em take duh wunnerful vaxxine!"

Oh really?

So first: This "syndrome" is mis-named: It's killing 15-year-olds too.  Few Americans would call such young teen "adults."  The reason it's called "adult" death syndrome is to distinguish it from a sudden-death syndrome from the 1980s that affected infants, called "SIDS."

Next: SADS is real.  TENS of thousands of young people all over the world--none of whom had any prior medical problems--have been dropping dead as if struck by lightning.  Hundreds of these deaths have been caught on video, all over the world, so the Fauci's of the world can't claim they haven't happened.  All they can do is either a) ignore it; or b) claim it's always happened but you just never noticed it before.

Now here's the kicker: If 10,000 young Americans suddenly began dropping dead for an unknown reason, wouldn't you think the vaunted "health agencies" of the gruberment would be putting every effort and hundreds of millions of dollars into finding what was CAUSING that?

Of course you would.  And yet in this case the Rulers haven't spent a single dollar to try to find out what's causing all these sudden deaths of otherwise healthy American youth.  They aren't even discussing it.  It's like the deaths of ten-thousand otherwise healthy young people are being ignored.

Does that strike you as REALLY odd?

It should.  What could explain the TOTAL disinterest of the so-called "medical experts'" in finding the cause of all these unusual sudden deaths, eh?  No one has even asked the authorities to perform an autopsy to see if there's anything unusual.

Hard to know for certain why the Rulers have no interest in finding the cause, because not a SINGLE reporter has asked any of the Rulers why.

Well that's not quite true: conservative reporters have asked, but the Rulers never answer.  Instead they just ignore the question and walk away.  Interesting, eh? 

But we have more information:  When people die, and their family opts for burial instead of cremation, preparing the body for burial is done by an embalmer.  If you're squeamish I don't want to ruin your day by going into detail, but that job involves many of the steps of an autopsy.  So hundreds of victims of SADS have had their bodies examined in some detail by embalmers.  And many of those embalmers are speaking out about their findings.

And the embalmers are reporting finding something unusual: massive clots in major blood vessels.

Hmmm...what could cause unusual, massive clots to suddenly start appearing just in the last year?

It's a mystery.

So every mainstream reporter should be asking every U.S. "medical expert" these three questions

  • Are you aware of any increase in unexplained sudden deaths of people with no known prior health issues?
  • Have you heard this described as "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome"?
  • As far as you know, has any government agency taken any specific steps to determine the cause?
  • Has any government agency announced its findings?

The keys that signal a coverup is underway are that a) No government agency has expressed the slightest interest in finding the cause; b) No reporter has gotten an answer from the "medical experts" for WHY there's no interest in finding the cause.

It's like it's not happening.  Except it is.


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