November 10, 2022

Two days after the elections, a look at what's up

Okay, kids: Two days after the midterms, so let's review:  Inflation still close to a 40-year high.  Grocery prices hardest hit.  Instead ever Mainstream Media article bleats "Inflation falling!" Skyrocketing government debt.  MSM ignores.  Already the interest rates on government T-bills are higher than the worst predictions of just 3 months ago.  The cost of paying just the INTEREST on the government debt will more than double in the next year.

Two and a half MILLION illegal aliens entered the U.S. in the last year, and another two million the year before, but wonderfully-woke Dem voters totally support that, so it will continue for the next two years.  100,000 U.S. deaths caused by fentanyl in the last year--most carried across the border by illegals.  But Dems are apparently fine with it, so it will continue. 

Mainstream Media bleats "Democrats had the 2nd-best midterm election results EVER!!"  And "Dis wuz duh most honest election in history!  No fraud at all!  Just like 2020!"

Sounds faaaabulous, eh?  Well, except for the huge layoffs, and 5 million illegals in two years, and having to pay twice as much to service the debt.  And U.S. credit-card debt at a record high--at an average interest rate of 16%.  And savings having dropped by 90% in the last year for the average American family.

So other than those little things, everything's absolutely GREAT, eh??

It's amazing how quickly you get used to things that would have been considered outrageous and unacceptable two years ago, eh?   And unfortunately you ain't seen nothin' yet, folks.

Reason: Some economic factors are "long-lead" items, so a change in those factors takes months to affect the economy.  But even though those effects take months to be felt, they are nevertheless LOCKED IN --unavoidable.  The most obvious example is energy:  When the cost of energy rises, it raises the cost of every product that uses energy--which is most things.

Wall Street darlings like Fakebook (and many other companies) have just announced (literally the day before the elections) massive layoffs.  But mysteriously, the "official" unemployment rate won't go up a bit!.  How fortunate for biden and the Dems, eh?  (Fortunately Fakebook doesn't produce anything of value, so if it ceased to exist, the nation wouldn't be hurt in the least.)   

If inflation is sucking an extra four percent out of everyone's pockets, what do ya think that will do to consumer spending?  Savings are depleted and credit-cards are maxed out, so there's no choice but to cut back.  What do you think that will that do to corporate layoffs?

Three-quarters of Americans polled said they thought the country is "headed in the wrong direction."  Of course the pollsters never ask "Okay, do you think we're headed too far toward socialism and total government control, or too far toward "America First" and intolerance of trannies and illegals and abortion-at-will?"  Which allows the Left to claim Americans are worried that Ultra-Mega-MAGA Republicans are "a threat to our Democracy!!!!"

So with those facts in mind, consider this: As of noon eastern time two days after the midterms, the senate is still 49-48 GOP, with 3 races still undecided.  Even the ghastly thug Fetterman was "officially" declared to have been elected to the senate from PA.  Arizona GOP senatorial candidate Kari Lake and Nevada GOP candidate Laxalt are both trailing.  Georgia will have another runoff, as on Jan 3rd of 2020, this time between the corrupt Raphael Warlock and Herschel Walker, and we know how that one will go.  (Hint: the Democrats won BOTH Georgia senate seats in the 2020 runoff, which gave the Dems control of the senate.  They'll do it again.)

If the Dems win any two of the three senate seats still undecided they'll retain control of the senate, thanks to the provision that lets the moronic VP vote in case of a tie.

In House races, every member of the far-Left “squad” won re-election in their safe Dem states: AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman.

Thanks, Democrats. 


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