Canadian "New Democratic Party" to introduce new law allowing province to seize assets if you can't explain...
British Columbia is currently ruled by a group of tyrants calling themselve the "New Democratic Party" (NDP). Much like our Democrat party here, the NDP is dedicated to stealing every freedom Canadians thought they had, and every dollar they can.
Last week the premier of BC announced that his New Democratic Party plans to introduce a new law that will allow the government to take away citizens' cash, property or real estate without even charging them with a crime.
Is that a fabulous deal or what?
The NDP calls this the “unexplained wealth order,” and in classic tyrant fashion the NDP is touting it as "increasing public safety.” Oh, absolutely, citizen! Just like Democrats here tout gun confiscation: "It'll increase public safety."
The leftist NDP tyrants say the law is intended to target criminals, like drug cartels, but those concerned with civil liberties warn that it will undoubtedly end up being used to seize the bank accounts of ordinary people the government doesn't like. Just like laws against "hate speech" only end up being used against conservatives who use pronouns a snowflake doesn't like, while leftists calling for conservatives to be murdered are never charged.
Amazing how no one evah predicted that would happen, eh?
Among the many objections to the proposed law is the idea that it ends the presumption of innocence, and due process.” But dat okay cuz it beez intended for use against gangs, so...all good, eh?
The NDP bleats that by allowing assets to be seized, the proposed law will "take away the incentive" to commit crime. Say that sounds really clever! Why not take it to the next logical step: Why not seize assets from anyone who opposes the government? After all, members of the NDP will tell you people who oppose government "mandates" threaten everyone's "security," eh?
The idea of a law allowing the government to simply seize assets of people who can't prove that those assets were acquired by taxable work arose when an "expert panel" noted that “civil forfeiture" was already used much more often than criminal prosecution, but still required a link to criminal activity, which was often hard to establish.
The "expert panel" breezily concluded that...wait for it... allowing the government to seize assets even if it lacked even a hint of evidence of a crime, but simply if the owners of an asset couldn't prove they'd earned the income needed to acquire those assets, would give the government "another tool that doesn't rely on evidence of a crime.”
Wow, can't get much more obvious than that, eh?
British Columbia already has "administrative forfeiture rules" allowing the provicial government to seize one’s property. (Notice how cunningly the tyrants named 'em "forfeiture" rules instead of the far more accurate "seizure rules."
The provincial thugs also have "civil forfeiture rules" allowing the tyrannical provincial thugs to seize one’s goods or cash if they "suspect" they were obtained from crime.
Apparently those twin "forfeiture laws" don't satisfy the thugs' lust for total control.
Now for the hoot: all government officials study what other governments do, looking for ways to get more power and seize more of your income and assets. So if you think Nancy, Chuckie, Ron Klain, Jerry Nadler, AOC, Maxi Waters and the rest of the thugs aren't studying this faaabulous proposed law to decide how to use it here, you're naive.
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