November 25, 2022

AFter assault, wokie "Interim presnit" of MSU wails that the most important thing is "restorative justice practices"


Clear signs of the total corruption of universities are everywhere.  Latest example: After Michigan State lost a football game to Michigan a month ago, half a dozen MSU players battered spectators in a tunnel to the locker room.  The local prosecutor charged them.

If anyone believes the players involved should NOT be kicked off the team--if not expelled--raise your hand.

But the wokies who run MSU have a different outlook--as evidenced by a statement from the "interim preszit of Michigan State, a wokie moron named Teresa K. Woodruff.

"The university and our athletic department will continue to evaluate this matter and cooperate with any investigative reviews.  While we do not condone the actions taken by some [of OUR school's] football players on Oct. 29, we will support our student-athletes through this process. They are students first, and their academic journey continues. MSU believes strongly in restorative justice practices and the education around harmful actions."

I did grad-school in a flyover state, at a university that has won several national championships, and I can tell you that any player shown to have battered someone after a game would have been kicked off the team right away, and likely expelled from school.  "Restorative justice practices" are code for "don't punish the po' darlings cuz it might hurt their faaaabulous careers."

Here's a flash, Teresa:  If a person intentionally injures another, without provocation, that SHOULD result in punishment.  Cuz rational people want to DETER that kind of behavior, eh?

Or maybe you wokies don't.  Sure looks that way.  You wokies and your party are turning this nation to shit with your "don't punish duh darlings" bullshit.  And surely at least a few of you KNOW that, and intend it.  If you don't connect the dots you're too dumb to be president of any university.



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