November 25, 2022

CNN talking heads stunned as lawyers for Colorado Springs shooter claim he's "non-binary," destroying Narrative

This is an absolute hoot: After attorneys for the Colorado Springs gay club shooter filed a court motion saying the shooter "identified as non-binary" and demanded to be addressed in all court matters as "Mx.", CNN's Alisyn Camerota had what amounted to an on-camera meltdown, saying "I don't know what to say about that.  

But amusingly, both Camerota and black "political commentator" Errol Louis used "him" in referring to the shooter, despite the explicit declaration that duh shooter has decreed dat he wants to be referred to using "they/them" pronouns.

Now, before that very moment, a CNN talking head who refused to honor the stated pronouns of a snowflake would be blasted, condemned by the tranny mafia.  But when Camerota and Louis use "him," the tranny mafia just smiles and shrugs.  

Now why do you suppose the tranny mafia isn't screaming bloody murder at those two bigots, eh?

Wait, it gets better: Louis snidely claims that the claim by the shooter's public defenders that their client "identifies as non-binary" is a fiction, invented by the attorneys to defend against hate-crime charges.

Seriously, he said that.  On camera.  And none of the other morons said "C'mon man, that's ludicrous!  The judge could quickly ask the snowflake if he actually claims to be non-binary, and if he says "I have no idea where you got that notion" then the attorneys would be facing charges for making a false statement to the court.

In New York that sort of thing is overlooked.  Not sure about whether Colorado Springs is equally corrupt, but I guess we'll see.

Amusingly, commenters had a field day needling Camerota and Louis for "mis-gendering" duh po' "non-binary" snowflake:

It clearly says they/them and they are ignoring the requested pronouns! Where is the outrage?

They keep calling they him. They keep misgendering them. That's violence.

Are they doubting what Mx identifies as? I thought we weren’t allowed to question they/them.

Imagine any other scenario when not taking someone at their word on their pronouns wouldn’t be called bigotry by this same crew.

If CNN and the rest of the Media continue to mis-gender Aldrich, they should be imprisoned!

Wait, so you're saying it’s possible people might be selecting pronouns for self-serving reasons?     

They misgender and then casually reject the person's claimed gender identity as a fiction??  I’m having a hard time following the rules.

Notice how readily CNN ignores "preferred pronouns" when it suits their agenda to do so.

Then we have comments like this one, from a leftist who bleats "So far the only place I’ve seen a request for they/them pronouns is from the defense attorneys. It’s not even a verified pleading. Just a footnote."  Oh, you bet.  One of the things they teach in law school is that lawyers can say anything they like in court filings, even if totally false, as long as the false statement is in a footnote.


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