November 25, 2022

The new GOP House majority needs to prosecute Democrat lawbreaking, bribes, freedom-trashing

As Republicans prepare to take charge of the House in a little over a month, it's time to take a look at what the Democrats have inflicted on our nation in the last two years (though it started in 2008)..

Until this century the government of the United States more or less supported freedom and the Constitution. There was a tacit agreement that 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Democrat rulers have rejected those fundamental principles, replacing them with "You're not allowed to speak unless we Dems let you, and we will delete anything we don't like."  Dems have trashed even something as basic as free speech.  Instead the Left--with the quiet approval of  Democrat rulers--wails "Your speech is violence.  But our violence is merely free speech."

If anyone takes a position the Dems don't like, they're often fired ("cancelled").  Conservatives don't do that, and the Left instantly recognized that.  So leftists can say anything, spread outrageous lies and support ghastly policies (surgically mutilating 14-year-olds, for example) without fear.

It's time for Republicans to temporarily adopt the Democrats' rules.  There's only one way to get them to return to reason and freedom, and that's to make them feel the pain that their own rules inflict on conservatives.

Example: The corrupt attorney-general of New York--Democrat Letitia James--subpoenaed Trump's tax returns.  Very well: the House needs to subpoena the tax returns of Joe and his thoroughly useless, corrupt son Hunter, and his brother.  Examine every bank wire transfer to every biden company.  Audit every biden company and personal tax return.  Show the public how utterly corrupt they are.

Repeat for the Clintons, Obama, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, every Democrat activist, politician, consultant, anyone with any finger in any Democrat pie.  Prosecute every evidence of corruption and wrongdoing. Fine the crooks millions.  Impoverish them.
The goal is simple: to convince them--through serious personal pain--that the checks and balances that are the basis of the U.S. Constitution and our form of government must be restored, and that anyone who dares to violate them again will be dealt with, harshly.

Now the Democrat-loving, lying Mainstream Media will wail that Americans do NOT want the people who trashed our freedoms and used government positions to extract corrupt bribes punished.  They'll wail that what Americans want is "bipartisanship" and "cooperation."

Certainly the malevolent, corrupt Dems will now want to push those things.  But Republicans must ignore the wails, because what our nation really needs is a thorough housecleaning.  All who trashed our freedoms or corruptly enriched themselves must be prosecuted and jailed.

Most rational Americans realize that one of the main reasons we keep seeing mobs of thieves doing "smash and grabs" in broad daylight is that they know they won't be prosecuted.  When you tolerate something, you get more of it.

The remedy is to start prosecuting.  Democrat pols have always known they'll never be prosecuted.  We need to change that and make them deathly afraid of being prosecuted for corruption or violating the Constitution.

Unless Repubs do that, this country is finished as we know it. The GOP must go ahead with impeachments, investigations, subpoenas--anything it takes to give the left a taste of their own medicine and clean up government.

If you love freedom and an honest government there is  no alternative.


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