WaPo runs "opinion piece" claiming the reason biden's approval rating is low is...harsh media coverage!
Wash post just published an "opinion piece" by a Dem fellator named Perry Bacon Jr. Here's the lede 'graf:
"The mainstream media has played a huge, underappreciated role in President Biden’s declining support over the past year. Its flawed coverage model of politics and government is bad for more than just Biden — it results in a distorted national discourse that weakens our democracy. The media needs to find a different way to cover Washington."
Ah, so Bacon and the Post tell us "the media needs to find a different way to cover Washington."
What bullshit. What he really means is, the media must stop writing negative stories about the faaaabulous biden regime! So...inflation? Not his fault. Shutting down the oil industry, ending the energy independence achieved under Trump? Not biden's fault. Two million illegals per year pouring across our southern border after biden ordered deportations to be radically reduced? Not biden's fault.
See, Bacon says the main reason biden's poll numbers are so low is NOT that Americans don't like his and the Dems' policies, but simply that media coverage of the results of those policies has been too critical!
Ah. So did Bacon or any other "journalist" working for the corrupt Mainstream Media ever complain that the Media was being too critical of Trump?
No. Not a single Dem "journalist" or "opinion piece" in the shit-rag Post EVER complained about the media's daily trashing of President Trump. Ever. So Bacon doesn't want the Mainstream Media to "find a different way to cover Washington." He's fine with negative coverage for conservative presidents, just wants nothing but glowing stories about biden (and presumably about any Democrat president).
When Trump was president the Media trashed everything he did. It was four years of "Russia Russia Russian collusion!" "Mean twats" (or whatever they call that crap). And while my concern here is grotesquesly biased coverage of presidents, it's telling that the media ran hundreds of fawning, slobbering cover stories on the classless Moochelle Obozo, even claiming she was a fashion icon!--but didn't devote a single cover to the elegant, beautiful, fluent-in-five-languages Melania. Is there any explanation OTHER than anti-conservative bias for that decision? Surely no rational Media editor could claim with a straight face that Moochelle was more elegant and accomplished than Melania.
Endless carping about Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner, but not a single complaint from the Mainstream Media about Hunter Biden's corrupt business deals with China, Russia and a Ukrainian energy company. After the NY Post revealed the first hundred emails on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, the rest of the Mainstream media--including the Washington Post and NY Times--screamed that the story was "Russian disinformation." Only over a year later did they admit that it was authentic.
But this idiot, this moron, this propagandist wants readers to believe that biden's record-low approval numbers are due simply to too-harsh media coverage? What horse shit.
Bacon whines that "for much of August (2021) the homepages of major newspapers and cable news programs were dominated by Afghanistan coverage, as if the chaotic withdrawal was the only thing happening in the world." Well since it was the biggest rout of American forces since Vietnam, I'd say that easily explains the coverage, eh fellator?
And here's a flash for ya, asshole: good Americans--and you're most definitely NOT--don't like to see American troops killed, or Americans screw up a retreat that the biden regime had announced in advance.
Wokie, tranny-loving "generals" like Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, working under the corrupt affirmative-action Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin f'd the thing up royally by apparently bowing to some moron in the White House who told Austin to abandon the heavily-fortified, defensible Bagram base far outside of Kabul and instead conduct the retreat from the indefensible commercial airport in downtown Kabul.
From a military standpoint it was insane, and Milley should have known this was an abysmally stupid decision, apparently made by a civilian who didn't know jack about the situation (or by a CIA plotter who wanted the thing to be a disaster). A principled general would have resigned in protest. Milley chose to obey the morons.
As far as I know, no senator or congresswhore has ever asked the regime to explain who ordered the military to abandon Bagram overnight and move the evac to the clusterfuck of the Kabul airport. That would be a great thing for a Republican congress to investigate. But of course Cocaine Mitch and RINO McCarthy will ensure Milley is never asked who made that abysmally dumb decision.
So back to the idiot Bacon: He writes that "After the withdrawal the media lumped other events into its 'Biden is struggling' narrative." But just "struggling." Not "incompetent"--which would have been accurate, and which the media cheerfully accused Trump of being.
But biden? Nah, it bees dat *biased-against-biden* Media whut bringin' down dere Dear Leader.
This moron Bacon even has the brazenness to claim that the media has an “equally positive and negative to both sides” approach. Okay, moron: show me a single headline ANYWHERE in the mainstream media when Trump was president praising ANY aspect of Trump or the elegant Melania. I read you morons constantly, and never saw a single word of even grudging admiration. While lots of bloggers liked Trump, every story about him in the Mainstream Media was negative.
Here's a classic bit of "reasoning" by Bacon: "Some journalists, consciously or unconsciously, were poised to balance that negative Trump coverage with criticism of Biden, *even if his actions weren’t nearly as deserving of condemnation.*
"Were poised to balance," eh? "Poised" to do something is a long haul from actually doing it. By using "poised" Bacon wants the reader to believe "some journalists" wanted to "balance that negative Trump coverage" by being critical of biden. But did they actually DO that? Bacon doesn't say--and you can bet that if he had an actual example he'd have trotted it out.
Bacon is a shill. Scam artist. Democrat fellator. Liar. Propagandist. Waste of oxygen. Which makes him an ideal "opinion piece" contributor for the Washington Post.
And the really sad thing about all this is...Democrats and other morons actually believe Bacon's lies.
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Perry Bacon, jr. |
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