July 04, 2022

Supreme Court overturns NY gun law. Dems who rule NY respond by passing a new law defying the court

On this Independence Day it's worth recalling that the Founders believed our nation should be "a nation of laws" rather than being ruled capricious, corruptible humans.  And for over 200 years  decisions by the Supreme Court have been considered "the law of the land," and were thus obeyed by Americans even when many disagreed with a particular decision.

Last Friday the Democrats who rule New York showed they will no longer abide by SC decisions.

Last Friday, in an act of breathtaking defiance to the rule of law, the legislature and governor of the 4th most populous state in the U.S., in a party-line vote, rammed through a law defying an explicit, just-released decision by the Supreme Court--a decision overturning a New York gun law.

If you didn't live in New York, you didn't even hear about it--because the Mainstream Media supports the state's defiance.

The court ruled that New York's refusal to issue concealed-carry permits without forcing citizens to jump through a daunting array of hoops violated the Second Amendment.  In response, the Democrat-ruled legislature passed a new law Friday that effectively nullified the Court's decision.

After the unelected governor called a special session for the explicit purpose of defying the Court, the Democrat-controlled legislature rammed the new law through on a party-line vote, and it was immediately signed into law by the unelected female governor.

So the Democrats who rule the state of New York are refusing to obey the decision of the Supreme Court.  If you're a Democrat you may be elated.  If you're not a Dem you may think it's trivial, but it's actually hugely important.  You need to know why.

It's because, as has often been noted, the Supreme Court doesn't have any power to enforce its rulings.  Instead it depends on the Executive branch to obey the Constitution's demand that the president "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." (Article 2, section 3)

The problem with this is that the biden regime has repeatedly shown that it does NOT enforce U.S. law (open borders, for example).  So it's highly doubtful that the Democrat regime will make even a token effort to enforce the SC decision in this case.

This should worry the hell out of most Americans, because once a state gets away with defying the SC--whose decisions have heretofore had the force of law--where does it stop?  That is, there would be nothing to stop a Democrat-ruled state from, say, confiscating civilian-owned guns, or criminalizing criticism of government, or banning gasoline-powered cars it a state.

Democrats: "That's ridiculous!  None of those thing would ever happen!"  Ah, but if the president doesn't enforce the SC decision, then the precedent has already been established that states can do anything they like--even if it violates Constitutional rights--as long as the national regime approves.

I suspect not a single one of my liberal friends will be the least bit concerned about this.  Most won't understand the huge threat it represents.  And of course they can't imagine the principle being used against THEM, since our side follows the rule of law even when we don't like it.



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