July 05, 2022

Ask young Americans what the SC decision overturning Roe actually DID. Nine out of 10 will say...what?

For the last 40 years or so the Mainstream Media, K-12 schools and virtually all universities have relentlessly pushed the idea that America is evil, Democrat policies are Good and Republican policies are bad.

With such an endless push from the most influential sources, it's not surprising that young Americans believe those ideas...because why would the Media and teachers and professors--people who are supposedly smart and knowledgeable--tell them those things if they weren't true?

Young Americans--being young and naive--have no reason whatsoever to suspect that all these people would lie.  Young people--logically--think "Why would they lie to us about those things?"

So, again not surprisngly, enormous numbers of young American voters up to age 50 or so believe what the Media and teachers have told them for their whole lives.

To take just one example:  kids are taught that we're a "democracy," which means whatever gets the most votes wins.  We're not, of course, but they've been taught that.  And if we're a democracy, the electoral-college system of electing the president must be UNFAIR, right?  And sure enough, the Democrat party wants to abolish the electoral college and elect presidents by whoever wins the national popular vote.

Which of course would ensure that the Dems win every presidential election, since most of the high-population states are Dem-ruled.

Example #2:  Ask any young person what the SC decision overturning Roe v Wade did.  I'll bet nine out of ten will say the SC banned abortion.

Obviously not one has read the decision (and no adult has either)--so how did they get that false information, eh?  Because it's what the Democrat-controlled Media "talking heads" implied to them.

When you tell them the decision did NOT ban abortion but just leaves each state to decide for itself, they don't believe it--because the entire Media told them otherwise, and they simply cannot believe the Media would lie about something so easily disprovable.  

Try showing young people the relevant text of the opinion and they'll accuse you of fabricating the text.  They simply cannot cope with the cognitive dissonance of realizing that the sources they've always trusted lied to them.  And few, if any, are likely to ask the next logical question: If the Media lied about this, could they have lied about other things too?

From a purely logical standpoint that would be the obvious question to ask.  But logic is a distant second here to a far more powerful driver: ego defense.  These folks simply cannot believe that the Media and their professors and K-12 teachers would lie to them, AND that they'd accept the lies without questioning them.  Since it doesn't fit their worldview, their response is not to question that worldview.

(Interestingly, if you're old enough to remember the 70's you realize that's a TOTAL role reversal, because back in the VietNam era the Left was always preaching "Don't trust anything your government or teachers or any authority figure says! )

(Makes you wonder how all that changed so radically, eh?  Nah, it's simple: the slogan of the 70's benefitted the Democrat party, and the reverse slogan today does the same.)

After being told for 40 years that Republicans were bad, Democrats were good and America was an awful, evil, raaaacist place, it shouldn't be surprising that young Americans unquestioningly believe what they've been indoctrinated since age 5 to believe.  It's a huge mental barrier, and there's no guarantee that conservatives can overcome it.

This is how we get things like the Democrat-ruled legislature of NY state passing a law deliberately defying a Supreme Court decision in a lawsuit brought against the state, which overturned a previous state law.  If the biden regime lets this stand, all bets are off: any level of government can defy the court, or the Constitution, at will if the Democrat regime supports the defiance.

Buckle up, people.  It's probably going to get worse. 


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