July 24, 2022

German "Green" party puts out posters of that country's future--all females and immigrants

Angela Merkel was chancellor of Germany for 16 years.  She rammed through the "open borders" policy under which Germany allowed millions of Muslim and African immigrants to enter Germany permanently.

Immigrants now make up 12.5% of all residents of that nation.  They commit 56% of all murders.

Democrats: "Dis not true!  Dis mean nuffin'!  Dear Leader say 'DIEversity is our strength' so mus' be true!  So you lie!  Fake newz!"

Merkel says she regards her open-borders policy as a stunning success.

Combine that policy with moronic Leftist judges who sentence killers to a slap on the wrist.  Oh, the "official " sentence may sometimes long, but the killer is almost always released after serving just half of the "official" sentence.  Judges also almost never agree to deport killers after they're released.

To get an idea of how well these policies are working for Germany, take a look at three poster just released by the "Green Party" touting the future of Germany.  Notice anything?


The only white face in the lot is the female half of a half-black lesbian couple.  No other white faces.  And all females.

It's important to recognize that the leaders of the cunningly-named "Green Party" are actually communists.  By claiming to be Green they attract millions of naive young people eager to eliminate all carbon-based and nuclear energy--leaving Germany dependent on Russian gas to survive.  It's brilliant..

It's also worth noting that before East and West Germany reunited, Angela Merkel was a rising star in the Young Communist league in East Germany, joining at age 14.  She was fluent in Russian, and at 24 became a member of the "secretariat" (ruling committee) of the young communist league, serving as the secretary for "Agitation and Propaganda."  According to her former colleagues she openly propagated Marxism--a claim Merkel has cleverly denied, claiming insteaed that she was secretary for culture, which merely involved organizing talks by visiting Soviet authors. 

Consider her cunning evasion, telling Germany's biggest magazine "I can only rely on my memory. If something turns out to be different, I can live with that."  She knows she's lying so wants to give herself the "out" of "faulty memory, which I told you was possible!"

Merkel remained a star in the communist party until reunification in 1990, when she was 36..  After reunification she brilliantly joined the West's most popular political party (the CDU), and her past was almost forgotten.  The media expect everyone to believe Merkel was never really a communnist.

So back to the present: If someone wants to destroy a society, there are lots of ways.  If you want to do it without cost, without war, the easiest and least expensive way is to make the males stop supporting the society.  

That's actually much easier than you think.  You push several things at the same time, such as appointing females and foreigners to as many ruling positions as possible.  Yes, this requires males currently in those positions to cooperate, but that's easy to arrange: Just use Media allies and articles by "elites" to persuade everyone that pushing "female empowerment" and minority empowerment is "virtuous," and they those at the top quickly become eager to do it.  Having reached the top of the earning pyramid, now they want above all to be popular, and they're told they'll be admired for doing this.

Have all advertising about jobs and the future feature females and minorities almost exclusively--no native-nationality men.  You see that today in ads by American companies, and in the posters above by the German Green party.  (One of the most infamous U.S. ads was by razor-maker Gillette showing a black father teaching his female-to-male tranny daughter how to shave.  The company ran the ad constantly for several weeks--ironically during pro-football broadcasts.  In thousands of comments men wondered what "woke" beta males at the company approved the ad.)

Increase the number of women admitted to universities while reducing the number of men.  Particularly effective is to have universities actively recruit women and minorities into engineering--a field every bit as challenging as medicine.  Promote products that push classic feminine traits to men--like skin softeners.  Show ads depicting men doing laundry and swooning over the scent of cleaners or fabric softeners.

Finally, award literary prizes to books that tear down the native society.  The German Greens had a big jump there because of the nation's guilt over WW2, so this wasn't needed, but we see it in the U.S. in spades: It's become so fashionable among "wokie" college-age rioters that they've destroyed statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.  The wokies have turned James Madison's Virginia home into a diatribe against the man and his ideas.  Their website calls it "A memorial to James Madison and the Enslaved Community." 

If you think all this has no effect, or is all just coincidence ("right-wing conspiracy stories!!!) I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'd like to sell ya.

Meanwhile Muslim immigrants to Germany continue to merrily kill defenseless German girls.  Thanks, Angela!  And for Americans, thanks, Democrats!

Excellent source for Merkel's past is Der Spiegel article from 2013.


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