July 22, 2022

Dem governor of NY urges supporters to make trouble for opponent. One attacks the opponent with a knife

In New York, Republican Lee Zeldin is facing unelected Democrat Kathy Hochul.  And using standard Democrat tactics, Hochul sent out a so-called "Media Advisory" describing Zeldin as a right-wing extremist, surrounded by similar extremists.


She cunningly encouraged her more insane supporters to show up and make trouble--and sure enough, a man with a knife attacked Zeldin at a rally.  Zeldin blocked the first thrust and security tackled the attacker.

Now here's the topper: Since Democrats rule New York, the attacker was released within hours without having to post any bond.

Gosh, that seems...odd, eh?  I mean, if you or I tried to knife Kathy Hochul, do ya think we'd be released within hours without having to post any bail?  Not possible.  But since all local law enforcement depends on Kathy's whims for the extra state funding that buys new cop cars and radios and goodies, they'll do whatever Kathy wants.

Two sets of laws, comrade:  One relaxed set for those who support the rulers, and a far harsher set for the rest of us.

Wait...you say you never noticed that?  Wow. 

For a look at what you're up against, read the comments at the twatter link above: lots of Dem shills saying "There was no weapon!" and "The guy just wanted a hug."  Seriously.

Backup link to Citizen Free Press in case twatter deletes the account or post.


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