July 01, 2022

biden said he wanted to kill oil and gas, but now ORDERS refineries to increase output. Hmmm...

Five oil refineries in the U.S. closed in the last two years, reducing gasoline output by over a million barrels per DAY, or about 5 percent of U.S. output.  And in April the operator of another refinery in Houston, with a capacity of 268,000 barrels of crude oil per day, says the company will close that refinery next year--suggesting it's not profitable (or soon won't be given more Dem regulations).  [The owner may also be offering to sell it instead of just scrapping it.]

Questions for Democrats:
  1) Why did owners close these five refineries starting in 2020?
  2) How did they manage to keep those plans so secret that the biden regime didn't know about them?
  3) Did the biden regime find it the least bit concerning that the U.S. lost 5% of its gasoline-refining capacity in two years? [spoiler: no, this was what the regime announced it wanted--to kill the U.S. industry, supposedly to stop global warming.]

An investor notes "We aren't short of gasoline because of the war in Ukraine.  We're short because the biden administration has said 'We hate oil and gas, and we're going to shut down the oil business.  We're going to make everyone buy electric cars.'  That understandably makes people reluctant to invest in new refineries."

Democrats: "Dis fake newz!!  Besides, even if deez five closures iz real, we din' do it!  It done by eeeebil oil companies!  We got no control over dat!  Well, except having the EPA write harsher rules on refineries.  But Americans WANT tighter rules!  WANT electric cars!  But til we get EVs to replace gas engines, preznit say he want to supply more gasoline to keep price down, so we all for adding more refining capacity.  Trust us!  Dear Leader even ORDERED oil companies to increase refining capacity!  Reeally."

Gosh, that's such a convincing lie.  Because on May 14th the biden's EPA refused to approve a $3 BILLION uprade of a large existing refinery in the U.S. Virgin Islands that would have significantly increased its gasoline production.  

So what was that again about "we're totally for increasing refinery capacity"?  Typical Democrat horseshit.




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