March 11, 2022

Why bidenfail's ORDER halting the Keystone-XL pipeline means no more new pipelines for 50 years, if ever

In a distant past I was in the oil business.  We paid attention to pipelines, cuz that's by FAR the most efficient, least costly way of getting oil from the well-head (for Democrats, that's where the oil comes out of the deep underground) to the refinery.

Now:  If you pay attention to current events--which you actually don't, even if you think you do, cuz you get all your "newz" from the Lying Mainstream Media--you may recall that on his FIRST DAY in office, the vegetable posing as president ordered the company building the Keystone XL pipeline to stop building it.  This with a billion dollars of large-diameter steel pipe already on the ground next to the trench ready to be welded and installed.

Unless you owned stock in that company, you didn't care.  Got it.  Makes sense.  But here's what you don't know--and that's not a slur on you:  If you're not in the oil business you couldn't possibly know this:  By ordering the pipeline stopped, the bidenfail regime has just ensured no new major pipelines will be built in the U.S. for probably half a century, if ever.

I hear a few of you asking why that is.  Here ya go:

The pipeline had passed years of environmental studies and permits before it was approved.  The company borrowed a BILLION dollars or so to order the pipe and cover the initial phase of work.  Then bidenfail ordered it stopped.  Now, if a Democrat "president" can order an already-approved, multi-billion-dollar project halted after construction has started, what rational company will EVER be willing to invest millions in even PROPOSING another pipeline if they know a Dem "president" can ORDER the project halted after construction has started?

No sane exec would even bother proposing such a thing, even in the unlikely event a Repub president is ever again elected--because a later Dem "president" can simply ORDER construction halted.

Starting to see what bidenfail and his handlers have wrought yet?

No, I suspect most of you haven't.  If we had an honest media, when gasoline hits ten bucks a gallon an honest media might explain the cause.  But the Lying Mainstream Media will blame Putin, or consumers buying way more gasoline cuz they're so damn prosperous (they already tried that to explain the empty supermarket shelves), or the phases of the moon, or the alignment of the planets--ANYTHING to keep voters from knowing the true cause: biden, obozo and the Dems killed the U.S. energy business.  Deliberately.

So...enjoy gasoline that costs over twice as much as when bidenfail took office.  You either voted for it, or tolerated the steal.  Either way, enjoy.

I sympathize with hard-working low-income people hurt by soaring prices.  Well-to-do liberal Dems can ESAD.  You have the education to have known the consequences of the Dem policies, but you didn't use your head.  You believe "catastrophic anthropogenic global warming" is real.  In that case, enjoy what your stupidity has wrought.


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